Chapter 20

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The night was freezing cold, it didn't help that Seto felt like he had already frozen by the time she had embraced him. But it did stop him from shivering and trembling, giving her a sliver of hope. She couldn't sleep, however, as she felt awkward about their naked bodies being pressed together. The mixture of hope and worry, embarrassment and awkwardness was something she didn't want to ever get used to.

Becoming one.

She had always imagined that she would be in such a situation with someone she was in love with. The problem was, that she had never fallen in love with people out in her world. As a kid she had a childish crush on Seto Kaiba, but back then he wasn't a real person. And yeah, she still collected all things Kaiba and she thought she still crushed on him, but now that he was a real person, she didn't know how to feel anymore.

It wasn't like they had interacted all that much while she had been here. She thought they had a moment back in the apartments. But her interaction with him since had all been a little off the mark than she had expected or even hoped. She didn't know what he thought or felt, but it seemed like he was still just a power seeking genius whose ambition knew no bounds, be it moral or social. Sure, she still liked him, perhaps more than she had ever liked anyone she had ever met. But she just wasn't sure that was the kind of man she could fall in love with. Still, it broke her heart to see him this way.

She sighed as her finger traced his chin.

You sure are handsome though, poopy heartbreaker.

She thought as she let out another, longer sigh. She hoped with all that she was that he would be alive and well the next morning, and closed her eyes. In the corner of her drowsy mind, she felt the bracelet on her wrist start softly vibrating, but she was too tired and her mind soon spiraled into the darkness of sleep.


Luna opened her eyes and found herself in some sort of ruins. It was only when she looked at the grass around her that she realized that everything seemed to have been hand painted. Was this a dream?

She walked deeper into the ruins and found five statues, out of which one seemed to be half destroyed. The first statue was of an old man with a cane, the plaque below him read The Master and as Luna read the plaque, the statue's eyes glowed blue, though faintly. The second statue was of a woman wearing a sort of ornamental headband, on her right hand she held fan in the shape of a dragon. The plaque below her read The Priestess, but her eyes did not glow.

The third statue was the broken one, his arms were long gone, and so was half of his chest and head. His plaque read The Sage. And as Luna read it, the one eye that the statue still had glowed red.

The fourth statue was of a young woman, her long hair reached her knees, but her smile seemed to reach her heart. Her plaque read The Maiden, and as she read it, the statue's eyes glowed one red and one blue. The final statue was of a young man holding a large sword, he looked somehow fierce and placid at the same time. His plaque read The Protector, and as she read it, his eyes glowed weakly blue, the light flickering as if about to be snuffed out.

For whatever reason, Luna felt alarmed and reached out to the statue of the protector and realized that on her wrist was a silver bracelet, upon which two blue gemstones glowed. As she touched the statue of the protector, both her bracelet and his eyes started to glow much stronger, the blue light from them, making everything blue in her eyes.

When Luna blinked she realized she was coming down some stairs with several men in suits. She recognized the place, it was the ground floor of KC Tower. As she looked at the people walking around the Tower, she noticed herself walking behind Mokuba and Jaden. But how could she be walking by Mokuba below the stairs and walking down the stairs at the same time?

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