Chapter 7

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She couldn't take out another finalist out of the equation, right? Yugi was already out, they needed everyone they could to beat Marik. She had to think fast.

"Tough luck, my guy." Luna said, trying to make it sound as casual as she could. "But I gotta go eat, my man. Haven't had anything to eat today, can't duel even if I wanted, you know?"

"Oh, I see how it is." Joey said smirking. "You heard that I was the runner up champion of Duelist Kingdom and you got scared!"

There's the buffoon I remember.

"Think what you will." Luna said, feeling genuinely glad she had run into Joey. "But should you really be so confident without your Red-Eyes?"

"Without my Red-Eyes?" Joey asked looking suddenly alarmed as he quickly took out his deck out of his deckbox and flipped through his cards as fast as he could until he stopped at one with a huge sigh of relief. "Damn, you scared me there! Here he is!"

He showed her his Red-Eyes Black Dragon card very proudly.

That means he either didn't run into the rare hunters before or that he somehow won it back.

"Ah, sorry. It's a trick I use to see people's rare cards. Thank you for showing it to me." Luna said, feeling a little awkward despite several other questions forming in her mind once more. "How is Serenity?"

Suddenly, Joey's expression grew more serious and dark.

"Who are you?" He asked as he slowly put away his deck without taking his eyes off of her.

"I'm a friend of Serenity." Luna said without a second thought, wondering why he suddenly got super serious.

"Don't you fucken' lie to me!" He suddenly yelled. "Serenity has died a year ago while I was in Duelist Kingdom!"

Luna's heart dropped. This meant things were different even before she had gotten to this world. What was even happening?

"I'm so sorry to hear." Luna said, genuinely heartbroken. "I had no idea. I have been overseas for several years."

Joey glared at her for a few more seconds before his expression softened once again.

"Sorry, I guess I'm on edge. A friend of mine got attacked a few days back." Joey said as he crossed his arms. "And I have reason to believe the attackers will be in this tournament."

"I'm sorry to hear about Yugi. I also heard it from Kaiba." Luna said, thinking about that night once again. "Do you have any idea of who might have done it?"

"Friend of Kaiba, huh? You should find better company." Joey said as he scratched the back of his head. "Unfortunately I have absolutely no idea. I just need to win my duels and improve my deck, so that when I do find them, I can make them pay. And speaking of improving my deck, you sure you don't want to give me a chance to add that Red-Eyes Slash Dragon of yours to my deck? I promise he will be well taken care of."

"Sorry, Joey." Luna offered him a consoling smile, remembering that he was much more open to the idea of fates and destinies. "But I'm an opponent that you simply can't beat. And it's not your time yet to lose a duel. It's your destiny to get to the finals. So was Yugi's, and with him out of the equation, we can't risk any more deviations, not against Marik. So, go win your duels, and we'll meet in the finals, yeah?"

"Are you Ishizu?" Joey suddenly asked.

What the-

"Tea mentioned that she and Yugi talked to someone named Ishizu and she told them about their destinies. Are you telling me you didn't foresee Yugi being attacked?"

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