Chapter 15

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Luna quickly opened her eyes just in time to see three huge white energy beams ripping through the center head of the Five-Headed Dragon.

Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes looked around, hoping- no, knowing that Seto had finally made it to them.

"There can only be one ultimate dragon, and it's clearly the one I'm riding!" Seto yelled, his dragon gliding between clouds that had been parted from the sheer force of his attack.

There he is. Luna thought as she couldn't help but smile.

"Seto!" Mokuba yelled, jubilant. "That's my big brother, guys!"

"How- How did he damage us?" The, now, four headed dragon asked out loud.

Luna looked at Seto's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon wondering the same thing, she noticed something shining at the base of each neck. It was a green orb with a blue symbol of a dragon head.

Dragon Treasure. Three of it.

That meant a boost of 900 to Ultimate Dragon's 4500 attack points.

I see, so raw attack power is still important.

"Are you okay, Mokuba? Luna?" Seto asked, seemingly ignoring the presence of everyone else.

"I'm glad to see you again, Kaiba." The Pharaoh said with a smile of someone who had met an old friend.

But Seto simply stared at him for a second before responding.

"Did you finally hit puberty, Wheeler? What is going on with your voice?" Seto asked, already turning to look at Luna without waiting for a response from Joey. "Did these fourth rate duelists make you work overtime, Luna? Don't worry, I'm here now."

"What took you so long?" Luna asked, actually being able to relax her tense posture a little. "If you had come even a few minutes earlier, you could have seen me totally kicking ass. I didn't need to be saved."

The four headed dragon roared incredibly loud despite its missing head, seemingly not happy at all that no one seemed to be feeling threatened by it any longer.

"I believe you." Seto said with a genuine smile, not seeming the least bit worried about the giant roaring dragon. "You'll just have to save me next time."

With that, Seto simply pointed upwards for a moment. A moment in which a ray of sunlight seemed to have broken through the dark clouds to shine on him.

Calm down, heart.

The four dragon heads simply stared at him for a second as if also in awe before growling in anger and shooting 4 beams of water, fire, wind and dark at Seto, who brought his hand down to point at the dragon. The three heads of his Ultimate Dragon shot three blinding beams of white energy at their enemy. All the beams from both sides converged into a single point where energies from each beam started to build up into one large sphere.

The four headed dragon leaned forward and seemingly breathed more intensely, making the large energy sphere start moving slowly towards Seto.

"What a sad excuse of a dragon." Seto said, seemingly to no one in particular, though loud enough to be heard. "Go, Blue-Eyes, show these cretins why we are the best!"

The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon puffed up its chest before doubling down and making its energy beams much thicker and louder. The energy sphere was quickly pushed back towards the four headed dragon, which seemed to panic. At the last moment, it tried to fly away but was too slow.

As the energy sphere made contact, it seemed as if it were absorbing the dragon into itself as the dragon tried to beat its wings to fly away but didn't seem to be able to do so. The sound that the dragons let out as its body was slowly consumed by the energy sphere made Luna's clench her fists.

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