Chapter 28

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Chills ran down Luna's spine as she felt the darkness emanating from the Supreme Leviathan. She felt like even simply looking at this new entity could somehow corrupt her mind.

"Jay?" She tried to call out to her friend despite there being no vestiges of a resemblance to her bright smiling Jaden.

The Supreme Leviathan looked at its own hands, opening and closing them as if testing them.

"You fool, do you realize how many ancient entities you have willingly merged yourself to?" Bakura's shadow asked from a distance away. "Without possessing any ancient magic yourself, there's no hope of you controlling-"

Suddenly, the Supreme Leviathan flicked its wrist and Bakura's shadow was torn to shreds.

Its yellow eyes, despite the glow, felt like an abyss calling to Luna. Instinctively, she looked away as her heart rate sped up.

What is this crushing presence?

"Do you still intend on fighting us?" The multitude of voices rang out despite its mouth not opening.

"Depends, who is asking?" Luna probed whilst realizing that she would have to think outside of the box if she were to have any chance of saving this world. Jaden had done the unthinkable, she would have to as well.

"We are all of the entities within this vessel." The Supreme Leviathan stated as it opened its arms. "We are all and all are us."

"Are you still going to destroy this world? You have Leviathan's power now, can't you just go away?" Luna asked, hoping against hope that it would be that easy.

"It is not as simple as one had thought before the great merge."

It never is.

"We can now choose where to go." It explained. "But we must still absorb all of the energy in this world in order to traverse."

"Then why are you asking like I have a choice?" Luna asked before she realized that her hands were lightly shaking.

"Because you do." It said, still staring into her soul. "Your comradery to one within us compels us to offer this one last choice."

Luna wondered if the choice was some bullshit one between a slow death and a quick one.

"Step aside, do not interfere, and we'll take you with us to the next world." It declared as it lifted its chin a bit. "Or try to fight us and be wiped away from existence."

Luna swallowed hard as she looked towards Mokuba and Noah.

"What about my friends?" She asked after taking a deep breath.

"This is not a negotiation. You mean something to one who is part of us, the others do not." It said as it slid closer to Luna, seemingly without moving any muscles in its body. "But even if you choose to fight. We can promise to make it quick. You and your friends will not feel a thing."

It didn't look like it had a care in the world, and yet, the threat Luna was sensing from it was so intense that Luna felt like she was choking on it.

She had to do something, she had to buy them more time.

"Choose." It said through its entrapping eyes.

Luna took a deep breath and lightly nodded.

Can it read minds?

"Does your nodding mean-"

"Chaos lightning!" Luna yelled as soon as she knew that it couldn't read her mind.

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant