Chapter 4: Girls All Around

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Have you ever had moments in your life where you can't believe the stupidity of some people? This happens rather often for me. Freshman and others connect the magical dots floating above my head of my personality, appearance, and life to suddenly just in that moment figure out I'm gay. Like are you kidding me? I'm not one for embracing stereotypes but I'm a technical walking cliche. For god sake look at me. Take a few seconds for the info to process if necessary!

I wear boxers, mens jeans and shorts, mens shirts, a rainbow chained necklace, a support for the LGBTQ+ lanyard that holds my keys, Army combat boots, and literally only sports bras. Granted some of these details are not seen by the general male public of my school but regardless, it's just insane. Honestly though, I just wish sometimes guys would take their empty heads out of their asses and take a better look. IM GAY! The amount of freshmen guys hitting on me is repulsive, I wish I could just yelled 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT' and continue my day from there. I will give them some slack though, as freshmen in many regards are still just kids who think they grew up becoming high schoolers. Thinking they already have the hang of this school is almost comical. I look forward to the APCT freshmen having their first PT days! Hell on earth sometimes I swear.

The pain they will endure their first couple of PT sessions... I feel bad but also not. They took the class, so welcome to the experience in every way. Most freshmen drop like flies when they figure out this program isn't a play dress up Army game. Others hate it till they see what it's actually about.

The end of my day came about faster than it started today as I began my walk home with my male best friend Charlie. New cadets salute me as I pass them through the halls and the APCT area. This isn't something they need to do unless I'm in uniform but they will understand as time goes on and they learn.

The program has a Battalion Leadership board showing everyone in charge and what they are in charge of. Displaying command lines from as low as Company Commanders and their 1st Sergeants all the way to the top of our programs rankings and responsibilities. The big three of the battalion are the Battalion Commander which ranks as a 1st Lieutenant. The Batt. Commander decides operations for the battalion. The Battalion Command Sergeant Major is the right hand operations manager to the Battalion Commander. Taking care of front line cadet management and operations. The BC gives the orders, the CSM makes it a reality. Their rank is the same as their title, Command Sergeant Major. Finally, the last of the big three is the Executive Officer or the XO. Taking care of all Battalion staff positions under the CSM and BC (Command Sergeant Major and Battalion Commander). These staff positions are filled by senior cadets that didn't make it to a top 3 position in the program and each have specific roles to play. Such as the S4 (Staff 4) who controls battalion inventory with uniforms, equipment, awards supply, and anything with inventory or the S1 who took care of planning and logistics for the programs daily plans and events. This chain of command changes every year as students rank up and others graduate. Being at the top of this big 3 list though means you have what it takes to be in a detrimental and leadership heavy role. An honor if you would.

"So you have any yearly interests yet Nick?" Charlie asked me.

I paused for a moment as he studied my expressions. "No, I suppose".

"You suppose?"

"Not in my age group ok?"

He giggled at the thought, scratching at his hair before raising the question I saw coming from a mile away.

"A freshman huh? Interesting taste for you this time around"

My better judgment usually tells me not to involve personal feelings about others with those around me. You know how people can talk. Especially in high school. Charlie however is probably my closest friend. Even better is the guy isn't exactly Mr. Popular around here. There's no one to tell. A senior just the same as me, yet virtually invisible. Standing at 5'6" with a skinny frame, dirty blonde hair, and just as gay as I am.

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