Chapter 2: The APCT

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Waking up everyday to drag ass out of bed really is the worst. Yet we do it every day of our lives. So, here we go again. Like a perfectly performed circus act. Shower. Brush your teeth. Do your hair and other facial remedies you add to it in the morning. Figure out what to wear. Just another behind the scene of the never ending screenplay we all call life. Though, I think my choice today will stray from the usual as it's my first appearance to the brand new cadets of our APCT program. Old faces amongst the new will surely be there as the program classes are a mix of grades. Yet, I'm fairly certain this year I may be the only senior representing cadet in my class. The only senior in the class means I should be the only high ranking cadet there as well. Ranking as a cadet Major. Not a power trip, and surely not an issue either. Though having familiar faces of the same grade would be nice to have around.

On with the show though starting the commute to school for the day. Arriving on scene the first order of my business is always to check in with our Sergeant. The APCT program was all located in a specified area of the school. Set up like its own mini campus with sidewalks through each of the smaller trailer-like buildings making up the class rooms and offices of the APCT. A flag pole sporting the American Flag stands present in front of the office building for the program. The large yard around each of the buildings had a mix of open space and equipment varying from wall climbing towers to basics like a rope mud crawl and pull up bars. A large shipping container sat out back of the furthest out building holding activity supplies, combat boots, additional equipment, and more that we didn't have regular space for in the smaller buildings and shed.

My arrival starts daily with a good morning to the Sergeant however. Making my way to the office doors and up the few stairs that lead to it I open the doors, entering the office.

"Mornin' Sergeant" I greeted to him, walking through the small front area to his desk side. As always he continued to chip away at whatever work he was set it at the moment.

"Good Morning Miss Jackson" He huffed, Morning still setting in for him. He looks to me, leaving his focus behind him for the moment. Adjusting his glasses he turns his swivel chair to face my direction.

"And the notes for the newcomers? You haven't forgotten them right Major?"

A smug grin hit my face "Didn't forget them Sergeant. You should know better by now come on man"

A serious glare came to his face as he stared at me for what felt like forever. "It's Sergeant. Right Miss Jackson?" he continued his stare down before a smile soon came to him. Chuckling under his breath. "Eh, just don't let me down Miss Jackson" he said proudly to me.

I laughed with him for a moment, waving to him ready to make my way out of the office. "I won't Sergeant".

Me and Sergeant have our differences, which can cause us to not get along sometimes. Especially on his asshole days, but i suppose everyone has those don't they. From the office my next stop was the first year class building. It was used as our class start location as well. Regardless of which grade you are in, everyone starts in the same spot for the beginning of the class. Walking up the steps and through the doorway I was once again greeted with the familiar posters and propaganda on the walls followed by various life lessons and military quotes. Figures for an Army based program. The room had long tables stretching across 3 of the 4 walls of the room filled with chairs facing the inside of the open rectangle it created. The class area had a podium in the very front and a desk with Sergeant's things off to the front right side of the room. A white board as well as a retractable projector screen sat on the rooms front facing wall behind the podium. Setting my stuff down in the seat of Sergeant's desk I opened my bag and pulled the packets needed for new cadets for the year, setting them down at the edge of the desk. I finished my prep for this first opening class as the bells rang for students to head to classes.

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