Chapter 1: Tables Turn

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"Nick WAIT UP!" came the voice from behind me.

My body turned in the direction I was called, giving back a gesture of disapproval and disgust. The power it took on a personal level to not crawl back to her was overwhelming. Though the choice is obvious. She's just a whore like the rest of my history seems to prove. Even so, I turned my attention to her call.

Looking back at her... The delicate ice blue eyes and black pixie styled hair topped with a slender frame. God she really was sexy. What a shame.

Come to think, my type has always been more femme women. Call it a taste I suppose, yet so different from myself. I stand tall on the average scale for women. Sporting mainly male attire with the very fitting short brown hair bringing together my rather butch style. My body, toned and muscular from my school activities.

"NICKY PLEASE... I'm sorry" she pleaded.

I felt my eyes roll without thinking of my action, turning back around to continue my travel.

"LOOK. You won't be so lucky as to have another chance after this." I replied.

"It wasn't my fault! He kissed me! Not the other way around!" She explained with a sniffle.

Lies. That's all I ever hear from her. Time and time again. Yet... I stopped in my path, turning to face her. Giving her my attention. A satisfied smile pasted to my face as I made my way to her. Speechless, she watched my every move. Closer we came, placing one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek I closed our distance. Her eyes... always so gorgeous. I pressed my lips gently to hers for just a moment. Her eyes. The eyes of a liar. Letting out a sigh to break our connection I looked at her.

"That's alright dear, because regardless I know it'll happen again." My expression dropped from understanding to serious with my final words to her. "Liar".

She stayed motionless in surprise. I gave her cheek a delicate tap and began to continue my walk once more. Though this time, she did not follow suit. At this point you can grasp an idea of my pathetic romantic life. My name is Nick. For short of course. Nicole Ray Jackson in the long term of things. Just another day in the life.


-Next School Year-

"NICK!!!" Yelled a familiar voice.

"Hey! How's my baby girl doin?" I stated with open arms.

She ran to my arms, nearly taking me out with her in excitement. "I missed you so much!"

I hugged her tight, giving her a friendly peck on the cheek as we embraced momentarily. "Nick, you have a new haircut! It looks fitting" She complimented, petting through my hair.

"Yeah I went through a few style changes thanks for noticing. Cut it shorter to try and style a Faux Hawk from now on. Thought it fit better than a buzz!" I explained, fixing my hair in the process.

"Nicky darling, have you heard about the new girl? I figured you might have considering how you take to the ladies" she winked at me in addition to her comment.

My brow raised in response. My eyes met hers without a word, hoping to signal the lack of information on my part to this. As I leaned in closer I murmured "What about who now?".

Insistently she took my hand, giving me little choice in whether or not I wanted to follow along. We began our walk through the grounds to the newer installment of our campus styled school. Brand new benches were scattered through the circular center of the walkways. A neat idea for the boring graft of grass that sat dead beforehand. The school itself stood three stories tall, circling this park-like rec area. The 'Fashionable' nickname this school developed for this oddity was "Donut High". How utterly uncreative but I can't say it isn't rather fitting. Our school prided on our leading class/activity. The heart of this place is its ARMY JROTC program. A surprise as most people associate it with 'The weird kids playing pretend'. Here? A whole other story.

A member of this program myself, I can certainly vouch. Cadet Major. That's the rank I currently hold within this class. A constant "Ma'am" is verbally applied to me in conversation within the battalion and its members. Run of the mill JROTC programs are commonly seen wearing US Army ACUs (Army Combat Uniform) as well as Dress Blue uniform on specified days of the school weeks. Tuesdays. That's the day indeed.

My conscience snapped back to the current here and now as I peeked around the wandering classmates. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, taking my hand back from her grasp.

"Can you just be patient for one second? Sheesh" she mumbled to me.

I let fate take the wheel as she reasserted control of my path letting my mind check out once more. Without warning she stopped dead in her tracks, running me straight into the backside of her. Letting go of my hand I assumed we made our destination. I wiped the sweat her hand gave off from mine in minor disgust. "There". She spoke that single word as it was all she needed. There stood the prize of our treasure hunt.

A shorter beauty with a faded out taper cut, approximately an inch of hair blended nicely into the cut laid at the top styled in naturally textured spiky comb back. Her body was defined but packed less muscle than I carried. The rich brown of her eyes shined in the light, reminding me of a hazel coffee and cream on a cold day. Keeping my usual stance I felt my metaphorical jaw hit the floor.

She's gorgeous...

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