Chapter 3: A Day In The Life

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Looking over this year's schedule I realized today was the day I didn't have the APCT class. Our school runs a class schedule that switches depending on the days of the week. I continued to stare off at it. Memorizing what I had for this semester of the year.

Schedule: Quarter 1 Grade 12

Student: Nicole P. Jackson

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Period 1 - APCT

Period 3 - Chemistry

Lunch Break

Period 5 - Ceramics

Period 7 - 3D Computer Design

Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Period 2 - US History

Period 4 - Trigonometry

Lunch Break

Period 6 - English 12

Period 8 - French

Friday's had all classes combined into one day, lasting 45 minutes each to get everything in for the last day of the week. My daily routine started and ended, getting my ass out of the house and on the way to school. As always, I start my walk greeted by my friends who come from the same general direction.

"NICKY!!! You aren't gonna believe this shit!!!" Shouted one of my other friends. This one in particular I had history with. Dating and what not at a point in our past. Though wanting to not ruin a friendship we split early on. I turned my attention to her as she caught up to me, raising a brow to her.

"What now? I feel like it's been something new everyday since school started" I asked. She explained herself and rambled on for a bit till her topic at hand finally presented itself. The girl from these last few days. Almost as if her existence was the daily forecast in this place.

"SHES"S FUCKIN' STRAIGHT!!!!" She yelled, clearly finding it funny in disbelief.

"How did you come by this info?"

"A friend of a friend asked her what she was into the other day. She answered that she is straight! Can you imagine??? Someone that looks as Dyke as she does is straight?!?!?! No way man" She laughed.

I thought about it for a moment. The idea that someone like her could only like men.

"Are you sure? She isn't just closeted or in denial?" I asked.

"She seemed pretty sure of herself Nicky"

"Well, if that's the case then maybe we shouldn't judge the book by the cover huh?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, slightly offended.

"Nothing towards you, but it's stereotyping ya know? Maybe she really is straight and just looks eye rapingly gay"

She looked at me, appearing shocked at my comment.

"What's with you? I mean go you for the clearly progressive mindset you have but you are the schools known Lesbian fuck around" she stated. "fUcK bOy, if you prefer that instead" she added.

"Good to know my reputation is worthy of me around here"

"Nicky come on, you know what I meant. It's a crime to take it personally in a bad way! You know what you are notorious for. Don't get bent outta shape over it"

This was something I wasn't sure I wanted to get involved with this time around. Though I can say the idea of the challenge did excite me. This I can't deny about myself.

"She's straight for sure?" I asked once more.

"Yep apparently"

I smiled softly. A confident rise filled my mind. "Well, not for long" I finished. Our arrival at the school had come soon after. Our passive walk this morning landed us at the buildings as the first bell rang out for students to head to their first class of the day. Mine was US History. What a joy. Not.

The room was closer to the front where I currently stood which made it a convenient starting class if I was ever late. I made my way to the room number and into the classroom. Upon my entry I was greeted with a handful of loud cheering towards me. Confused, I looked around to see more familiar faces around the room.

"Damn yall, what the hell have you all been smokin. Jesus christ" I joked with them.

Up came Ross, an older friend of mine. He held his arms wide for a hug. I gave him a brief side hug and looked at him, slightly puzzled at what all the yelling was about.

"We thought you were transferring Nicky!"

"Well, I didn't thanks to my awesome and totally legit reasoning skills when it comes to parents" I said, making it clearly sarcastic.

It was in fact a major pain in my ass for them to take into consideration anything I had to say about the matter when it first came up. They wanted to transfer me. I wasn't having it. The down side to my arguments with them are simple though. Im gay, and they don't exactly like that. Yep you guessed it! My parents are homophobes and big ones at that. My mom describes me as being the 'Big rainbow elephant in the room' to her. My father has little respect for me as his own daughter and more or less a human being most times. My younger sister has it normal thankfully. Out of all this nonsense at home, it will soon be over for me. I'll be 18 soon and so far it's been stated clearly by my father that my present this year is a one way ticket out of their house. I would be bothered had I cared but I almost can't wait for it to happen sooner. I just don't understand how parents can treat their children like this or for that matter, any negative way.

My main goal when the school day ends is to go home, change into work clothing or pick up something from my room. Then leave again. I prefer to stay with other people as I am able to. Being home as little as possible makes life a little more manageable for me. Sometimes it's not doable and in those cases I either lock myself in my room, throw myself at work, or stay in my vehicle. That's life for me though, regardless of how rough it may be it's almost over and this neverending broken record I call life can finally change a little for the better. As for now though, it's just going to school, socializing, classes, hanging out with friends, work possibly, some APCT activities. Etcetera. Like filling the blank spots of my life with smaller things to pass my time.

I am a part of a morning activity with the APCT that I attend practice for. The program calls it Drill Team. In such, we do armed and unarmed drill routines. Synchronized marching and rifle movements for armed regulation and without the rifle for unarmed regulations. Armed and Unarmed exhibition teams create their own routines and display them as such. The only flaw with this little activity is the time of day in which it is attended. A solid wake up at 4-5am just to be there at 6am for the practice. It sucks royally but anything is better than being awake and moving at the same time as the rest of my family.

Despite the seemingly constant complaints I have about my own life, it is boring and practically always a grind in some regards. It could be worse. But even so, we all strive for something more don't we. Ever so rarely do I have real fun. Ever so rarely am I truly invested in someone. Ever so rarely am I actually in love. If there is a god, maybe he just doesn't like me...

I Turn Straight Girls Gay (Lesbian Romance Story)Where stories live. Discover now