"Make... Make sure you come back alive!" Fuyuka exclaimed. Fubuki nodded with a smile, completely ignoring the fact the the blood from his head was already starting to stain his shirt and that he felt that his head was going to split into two in a few moments.

"I will!" Fubuki exclaimed before turning to face the oncoming crowd of infected with a ruthless look in his eyes. His vision was blurring and focusing and blurring again. But Fubuki only had one thought in his mind...

'You're all going to die,' Fubuki thought giving them a death glare. One so intense that it would send those who looked into his eyes running with their tails between their legs. Then, he charged without a second thought and let his natural instincts take over.

Fubuki's POV (Point of View)

I wasn't even clear of what I'm doing at all... All I knew was that I was taking out all the infecteds on my own... But I don't mind. In fact, I'm even happier that no one will touch my prey... But... My head is splitting... Urgh! I don't even know what I'm doing now... But somehow, somehow, I'm pulling through just fine...

Slash... Kick... Up... What...? I can't really think clearly anymore...! Urgh... Maybe not thinking is better for me after all... I'll just leave it to my body then... My vision is all blurry... Splat! Blood here! Ahahaha... Squish! Squirt! Those beautiful colours filled my blur vision... I can only make out its blood because of the familiar metallic smell of iron and the beautiful red colour that I love...

Without realizing it, I was chuckling to myself at how beautiful the colours were... I find it even weirder when I hear myself begin to sing... That familiar song I have in my head...

Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee The Way
Through All The Pain And
The Sorrows

Weep Not Poor Children
For Life Is This Way
Murdering Beauty
And Passion...

When the song was finished playing in my head, I found myself standing still. Why did I sing that creepy song again? My vision managed to focus a little more and let me look all around me. Wow... Corpses all over! With intestines on the ground, an arm hanging on one of the branches... Wow! There was even an eyeball on the ground! There was...

Just then, my vision blackened and I was forced into oblivion. Before I completely fell unconscious, I could feel my knees buckling before my body thumped to the ground...

Normal POV (Point of View)

Fuyuka watched as Fubuki slashed and hacked away at the infected with no mercy at all. She almost felt a bit scared! But she convinced herself that she was safe. But it kind of scared her even more when he started singing... It seemed like some sort of weird lullaby...

When he was finished, she rushed forward. "Fubu-"

Her face twisted in horror as he fell to the ground unconscious. She quickly ran to him and laid his head on her lap, not caring if his blood stained her clothes. Great, what now?

With Kazemaru and Eric

Kazemaru and Eric walked quietly. It was... Awkward. Just plain awkward. Kazemaru kept glancing at Eric and he gets the same view each time. Eric, his hands in his pockets, headphones on his head, eyes closed and still walking without tripping. It was the same for almost hours! He really should freaking think of a conversation! The silence was driving him insane... What should he ask? He really doesn't know. He then looked at the ground and sighed. Watching as thin fallen logs passed his feet as he walked. He then looked at his watch...

Kazemaru then knew exactly what to ask Eric.

Kazemaru stopped and turned to look at the Cold Killer. "Oi, Eric, it's gonna get dark soon. We should start to find where we want to camp,"

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