XVIII: America

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Hey Semi, I know you can't drive so do you know anybody that can take me to the airport tomorrow? Thanks.

I didn't know anybody else at this school besides Semi and Yamagata, and I'm almost sure he doesn't know how to drive, either. However, if he did know how to drive, I'm not sure I'd trust him to get me to the airport in one piece.

I know how to drive! Just not legally... anyway, I'll ask one of my teammates if they'd be willing to. Although, I don't know how many of them can drive.

That's alright, if you could just find at least one person that knows how it'll be fine.

Well, I might have been screwed. Worst case scenario, I'd have to get a taxi. I'm sure it's fine.

Good news. Tendou knows how to drive, but I would not trust him with your car. We'll take his parents' car, just to be safe.

What do you mean I can't trust him with my car? Doesn't that mean we shouldn't let him drive at all?

He's your only option, babe.

I smiled down at my phone screen like an idiot. That's the first time Semi has called me anything besides y/n.

Okay, Eita.

Ew stop, that sounds so weird! Find another nickname for me, please.

But it's your first name!

I don't care, that's what my parents and sister call me. I don't want my girlfriend to remind me of my family. That's weird.

I guess you're right. Goodnight, Semi-Semi :)

Goodnight y/n <3

I set my phone on the nightstand beside my bed and finished packing. I put random stuff besides my suitcase like my toothbrush and comb, so I could use them in the morning and remember to pack them again. After I put everything together, I turned off my light and went to bed.


I woke up the next morning, quickly got ready, threw some last-minute things in my suitcase, and headed downstairs to meet Semi and Tendou.

"So, that must be the special lady, right?" I heard someone ask Semi, as I turned the corner.

A very tall guy with bright red hair was standing next to Semi, which I assumed was Tendou. I'm not one to judge on appearances, but he seems like he'd be overly energetic or murder me. No in-between.

"Hey," I said, politely. "You must be Tendou, right?"

"Yes, I am!" he said, proudly. "And I'm assuming that you are Semi-Semi's girlfriend."

Shit. He calls Semi that too? This whole time, I've been reminding Semi of his teammate?!

"Let's just get going," Semi said, shoving Tendou away. I noticed that he had a light pink dusted across his cheeks.

That's cute. He blushes whenever someone mentions me.

Semi was right. Tendou was a little bit of a reckless driver. There were some times when he went a little too fast and others when he'd change lanes without warning. But luckily we all got to the airport in one piece.

"Thank you for driving me here," I said. "Hopefully I'll see you again sometime soon."

"No problem, Semi-Semi's girlfriend. Have a safe trip."

I went to grab my bag out of the back of the car, but Semi beat me to it. He didn't hand it to me either. Semi walked through the large glass doors with me, and up to the check-in counter.

"Hello," I said to the lady at the check-in counter. "I'd like to check one bag, please."

"What's your name?" She asked.

"l/n f/n."

"Can I see your ID?"

"Well, I'm still technically seventeen, but I have a school ID?"

"That's fine. Minors don't need to show an ID, and it looks like your mom signed a permission form for you to travel by yourself. Here are your boarding passes, it looks like you change planes twice before you get to Los Angeles."

"Perfect, Thank you so much!"

Semi and I walked out of line and went off to the side of the building where we were out of the way.

"Well," he said. "I'll see you again in a couple of weeks. And I'll be the one picking you up!" He quickly added.

"Alright, Semi-Semi. See you soon."

I expected him to give me a quick kiss on the cheek and walk back outside, but he gave me a small peck on the lips as if we were married.

I've never kissed him before, how does he have the confidence to do that?


The plane ride was okay, overall. Well, technically three plane rides. I had to change planes twice, once in Osaka and once in Tokyo. Why? I don't know. It didn't make sense to me either. I was very uncomfortable by the time I got to Los Angeles. I had been traveling for almost a whole day and sleeping on the plane was not very comfortable.

I landed and just got off the plane.

Okay. I'll be waiting for you guys in the car. I sent Tyler to meet you at the baggage claim, and he'll walk with you out to the car.

I read her message at least four times.

You guys? And who the fuck is Tyler?

I was standing on the escalator that went down to the baggage claim while looking around the area. The airport was huge and there were people everywhere. I was pretty tired because it felt like it should have been early in the morning. I looked at my phone clock, and it said that it was 2:30 PM here.

I'm going to have a hell of a time sleeping tonight.

As I neared the bottom of the escalator, I saw a young man with brown hair holding a small sign with my name. Naturally, I walked toward him.

"Hello," I said. "Why do you have a sign?"

"Are you y/n? He asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tyler."

So this was the person my mom was talking about. He was an inch or two taller than me with light brown hair and blue eyes. He reminded me of my dad, which was suspicious.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm just curious but my mom told me to meet you, are you related to her by chance?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"I think you mean our mom," he said. "I'm your brother." 


I haven't left an author's note in a while, but this is semi-important so I thought I would. I made a JV sports team for my school and it's a really big commitment that takes up a lot of my time. I probably won't update more than once or twice a week now because of practices, games/tournaments, and especially since school starts soon. I hope you all understand. I wish I could update more, but this is how it will be for now. I appreciate all of you for reading my story, so thank you! :)

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