X: Hot Chocolate

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Y/n swears in this chapter... just a heads up!

"Rikka... are you okay?"

"Huh?" she answered.

"You're crying..."

"Hold on, let me finish showering."


I was waiting patiently outside the door for a few minutes. My fingers were starting to get all fidgety, and I started ripping off all my fingernail tips with my teeth. Biting my nails was a habit I never really had, but I was nervous. Even though she has been my best friend for six years, I have only seen her cry a couple times.

I started heating up some water to make the hot chocolate Rikka loved. Caramel flavor, no milk, (even if she wanted it to cool down, she would always just wait instead), whipped cream, and rainbow sprinkles. It's best to make sure I can cheer her up in any way possible, especially if I'm completely clueless about what's going on.

The water finished heating up after a minute or so, then I mixed it with the caramel hot chocolate mix. I heard the squeaky shower knob turn, and the water shut off. She would be out of the bathroom soon. I quickly cleaned up the living area, and turned on the TV to an anime I didn't recognize.

She walked of the bathroom and sat down in the same chair Semi was in yesterday. I grabbed one of the blankets in the basket by me and threw it at her. The dorm always felt cold, especially if your hair was wet.

"Talk to me," I said, while taking a sip of my hot chocolate. "What's wrong?"

Rikka must have just now noticed the purple mug sitting in front of her. She grabbed it with two hands trying to be cautious, probably since she was prone to spilling on herself. A lot.

"Well, there's a lot," she said, nervously. 

She's avoiding eye contact.

"Start with whatever's easiest, I won't push you." I tried my best to sound sincere, but I wasn't the best person when it came to helping people with their emotions.

"Alright," she sighed. "My parents are getting a divorce."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either..." She took a sip of hot chocolate. "They started fighting a lot after the move."

"Makes sense." Her parents sometimes used to fight, but it was never that bad. No one would think they'd ever actually get a divorce.

"I know this may not apply to you since my parents got a divorce when I was younger, but it's for the better. It's going to hurt a lot now, trust me." I paused, and took a sip of hot chocolate. "It's the best thing they can do, for you and for them."

"I guess..."

"Do you know who you're going to be staying with?"

"My dad, but I will be with my mom on some weekends."

I nodded. When she had anxiety about anything, she never showed it. Rikka was a super confident person.

"You said there were multiple things... Do you want to talk about anything else?" I asked.

"Okay..." She adjusted her sitting position, and took a deep breath. "So there's this girl in my class..."

"I know this. You feel inferior to her, and she's always passive aggressive to you. There's something she has you wish you could have too, and you let it get you down."

Rikka looked terrified. "Yeah, that's pretty much what's going on. How did you know that?"


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