IV: Unravel

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For the next couple of days, I spent my entire evening in that room playing the piano. Playing in my dorm was great, but when I was playing out loud it didn't feel restricted. Anyone could hear it and that made me happy.

I finished playing my last song of the day and started packing up. I brought too many different books with me today, and had trouble packing them back in my bag. I was trying to fit my other sheets in there without wrinkling them, but it was too late.

"Crap!" I pulled out my Kokai no Uta sheet that I just tore in half.

No, not this sheet!

Kokai no Uta was the one anime related song that my dad encouraged me to play over and over again. He loved listening to it. I would play it for an hour straight, because it made him so happy. I also loved the song. It was very nice to play, and even better to hear on a grand piano.

For the first time in a while, I started crying. It wasn't that feeling I felt when I first started playing again, but that awful feeling of emptiness. My dad was dead, and Rikka wasn't here with me. It hit me hard.

I folded my arms and laid down on the piano. The sound that came from the impact wasn't very nice, but I didn't care. The sound lingered for a bit before it was completely gone. I kept shifting my body so it would make more noise. The vibrations felt nice and comforting. I kept doing this until I eventually fell asleep on the piano.


"Hey, you need to get up."

I heard a hushed voice from somewhere around me. I was too comfortable to get up, and wanted to stay on the piano forever.

"You should get up before you get in trouble."

Getting in trouble was something I couldn't afford. After being late and skipping my reading, I doubt everyone else though highly of me.

"Hello? Are you awake."

I yawned, and stood up from the piano bench. Some guy with blonde hair was standing on the other side.

"Did I cause too much trouble?" I asked.

"No, your fine," the boy said. "But you may want to leave before you get caught."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that! Have a good day!" I smiled and waved at him.

Have a good day? Since when have I said that to anyone at this school? Since when did I even have human interaction? Did I sound rude?

So many questions flooded through my head as I walked back to my dorm, but I came up with the conclusion that I couldn't let that happen again. I had to get out of there before I got tired, otherwise falling asleep would probably become a daily occurrence.

I went back to the piano earlier today because I managed to finish my homework, I had the routine down by now. I would go back to my dorm after school ended, make a snack, do my homework in twenty minute chunks, and then play for a little bit in between. Rikka had been telling me for the longest time that eventually I would find the perfect routine, which I did.

There was this song that I have been wanting to attempt to pay for a while, but it was extremely hard. I remember trying to perfect it was a nightmare, I'd sit at the piano for hours just trying to get the easier parts right. It sucked up so much of my energy, but being able to play it basically means you are a god in the anime world. The song Unravel.

I played the first few notes. Wow, did it sound beautiful. I kept playing the very beginning of the song until I got to that part. When I moved my hand back and forth during different songs, it was like rocking a baby to sleep. But when playing Unravel, you're violently shaking the baby's crib.

Speed never used to be an issue for me, but now I was a lot better at playing clamer songs. I used to love playing super upbeat and fast songs in middle school, but now I struggled a lot. Instead of moving my hand back and forth across the piano, I was a lot better at playing different chords.

Finally, I got to the interesting part of the song. I played it with passion, and tried to go at the perfect pace as I sang in my head.

Yureta yuganda sekai na dan dan boku

Wasukitootte mienaku natte

For a second, it felt like my whole world dropped. I couldn't remember what words came next because I haven't heard the song in so long, but I still continued to play like normal. I heard the door bust open, but I couldn't run away now. I was still playing, and getting in trouble was worth it.

"Oh, it's you again?" I've heard that voice before.

"Is someone there?"

I looked around the room, but didn't see anyone. Then I heard footsteps getting closer. Once the figure came into view, I realized it was the blonde guy from this morning.

"You play really well," he said. "What's it called?"

"Unravel, it's the Tokyo Ghoul opening."

"Oh, cool! Can you play anything else?"

I turned to my backpack, and started digging through it to find a good song. I wasn't really in the mood to play any intense anime openings, so I decided on The First Noel, the song my dad loved.

"I don't think I have ever heard this one?"

"It's not in Japanese. It's a Christmas song that my dad really liked."

"Oh, but it still sounds good," He paused for a moment, looking around the room. "Can you play that one Unravel song again?"


I was extremely nervous. I played The First Noel every year for my dad, but Unravel was different, and a lot harder. I took a deep breath, and started pressing the first few keys. Everything was going well, until I screwed up that part I always had trouble with.

"Sorry! I don't usually play in front of people."

"No, it's okay. Maybe you will play better if you don't know I'm here," he teased. "I'll see you later."

I waved at the boy while I watched him walk out the door. I started packing up my belongings, because I was no longer in the mood to play. There weren't many things that could stop me from playing, but screwing up in front of someone was enough to completely shut me down.

Did I look stupid just freezing like that? Does he actually think my playing sounds good, or is he just being nice? Ahhhh, I just wish I don't have to see him again. Not after that screw up.

But of course I had to see him again. 

a/n: Happy valentines day! I decided to update twice today, because I felt like it. :) 

Also the Unravel y/n is playing is not the Animenz version, sorry to disappoint you guys... The Animenz version is extremely hard, and even the amazing y/n couldn't just randomly play it again after 3 years of not practicing. 

Word count: 1158

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