XIX: May I?

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"Well, that's an interesting letter to send to your daughter. And she hasn't reached out for how long?" Semi asked.

"About 15 years. I think she only cares about seeing me again so she doesn't regret her mistakes before she dies. Besides, I'd like to see my mom again. My dad has been dead for a while." I sighed. "At least I'll be eighteen before she dies... Hopefully."

"Hang on,' Semi said. "If you were still a child when your dad died, how come you got to stay in Japan?" He asked.

"I don't have a straight answer for that," I said. "I think Rikka's parents signed something saying they'd watch out for me until I was a legal adult. Which doesn't make sense now, because they moved at the beginning of the year."

"You're right. That doesn't make sense," he remarked.

"I know it doesn't." I paused for a second, thinking of something that I haven't remembered in a while.

"Say, Semi?" I asked gently.

"Yes, y/n? What's up?"

"I don't know why I haven't thought of this before, but I was my father's only child. So naturally, he left most of his things to me in his will and a little bit to my uncle. One of those things was my childhood house." I paused, knowing that he could see where this was going but I continued anyway. "When we move in together, would you like to live in that house?"

"Of course, I would love that!" He said, excitedly. I could hear the little girly squeal that was in his voice. "Are you sure we could afford to live there fresh out of high school?"

"No, I'm not sure." The disappointment hit me a little bit. "I could always, you know, sell it but I would prefer not to do that. I will find a way to pay for it." I felt a little bit of confidence in myself, but not enough.

"You wanted to go to college, though," Semi explained. "How will you get a job that can afford the house, especially if it's part-time. Of course, I'll have a job too, but it might not be enough."

"I'm not going to college." Hearing those words come out of my mouth made me instantly feel guilty. I told Rikka that I would go to school in Tokyo with her.

"But Rikka?" He asked, confused.

"I know, I know. I don't know what I thought when I said that because I don't know how I would pay for it."

"Y/n," Semi said. "My parents agreed to pay for my college, but I won't get into a high-class expensive school because I'm not smart enough. I'll give you some of my money to put towards it."

"Oh my gosh! Semi no!" I yelled. "That's your parents' money, I can't just take it like that."

"I understand how that would make you feel," he sympathized. "But remember that it's always here if you change your mind."

"Thank you so much, Semi. I know it's a lot, but I mean it when I say that I don't know what I would have done this year without meeting you. I can't imagine what would have happened." I felt like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders.

"No need to thank me, y/n. I loved spending time with you."

Oh my gosh!! Does he love me? I recollected myself. No, he doesn't love you, he just likes to spend time with you.

Semi grabbed both of my hands and rubbed his thumb in a straight, back and forth motion. "May I?" he asked.

I blushed hard. "Uh, what?"

Without waiting for my response, he pulled me closer to him with our hands and kissed the right side of my forehead, on my temple.

"It's getting late y/n, I'll walk you back to your dorm." He offered.

A thousand thoughts were running through my head.


Dear Mary, I wrote at the top of my paper, not willing to call her mom because she hasn't ever reached out before.

I will come back to see you before you pass, under one condition. That said, my trip across the pacific ocean to California will not be wasted. Meaning that something new or an opportunity will come up, for ME. You haven't had the nerve to ever reach out to dad or me for fifteen years! Even after dad died you never did anything for me! I wonder how long it took you to figure out he was gone. Anyway, I would like to come meet you and help you throughout the rest of your life with your disease, because I know that dad would have come to help you if he was still here. Every day I try to be more like him. But because I'm not willing to fall in your arms so easily, I want something to come out of this trip for me.


F/n L/n

P.S, I put my phone number and email down below so we don't have to write back and forth.



Hi all! I know, it's been over a year since I last updated and I haven't left any notes or anything. I did say that I would finish this story, eventually... I will try to have this done before school starts so I don't go on hiatus again for a whole year (I still feel bad about that). Anyway, this chapter was made shorter because I have more surprises coming up!

Thank you for all of your support! All of you are the reason I wanted to continue this story, so thanks a lot! :)

Piano Master (Semi Eita x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon