XXIII: The Bet

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"Why are you running away?" Bokuto asked, chasing after me.

"I'm going to warm up for our little game!"

"But-" Bokuto had a sad tone in his voice. "We need to eat lunch! I need to eat and you need to eat!"

"You go finish your food," I said. "I'll be warming up here."

"But Rikka! You need to eat some meat!"

"Don't worry Bokuto, I'll be fine. If I need anything to play my best, it would be a warm-up." I said.

"Okay then," he finally said. "I guess I'll just have more energy and win!"

"Yeah, whatever." Bokuto walked away before he could hear me say anything. I just shrugged and started working on my serves. I didn't know what Bokuto was like when he passed a ball, but if I worked on my serve placement he wouldn't be able to hit it back to me anyway. That is unless the other passers are good. I don't know who else I'm up against.

I guess I could work on my passing.

There was only one problem. Everyone else was outside eating lunch, and I was in the gym all alone.

"Sakura!" I ran outside and found her. "Look, I'm sorry for everything that slipped out of my mouth earlier, but your boyfriend has just been a little annoying this morning. Anyway, will you please come help me warm up in the gym if you're not busy?" I asked.

"What do you need to warm up for?" She asked.

"Well, I may or may not have made a bet with one of the Fukurodani players. Wait! That reminds me of something. I'll be right back!"

I ran to where the Fukurodani guys were sitting. "Bokuto!" I said. "What are we going to bet?"

"Bet? Like if I win you have to do something for me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. "But that won't happen! Because I'm going to be the one who wins."

"You sure have a lot of confidence," he said. "I'd hate to ruin it for you. But if I win, I want you to make me whatever amount of meat I want for every meal. Okay?"

"Sure," I said. "Number one, I've never really cooked a piece of meat in my life so it will be disgusting. Second, if I win, which obviously will happen, I get to do your makeup and dress you up like a princess on the last day of camp."

"What? No! You can't do that!" He begged for me to change my mind.

"Nope. You were the one that said I could make you do whatever I wanted." I argued.

"Ugh, fine." He gave up trying to change my mind. "This means we have to win now!"


"Yes! Uh-" It was like Bokuto's mood could change in an instant. One second he was enthusiastic and happy and the next he doubted everything and forgot what he was going to say. "Let's do teams of four. Me, Akaashi, Konoha, and-" Bokuto looked around for one of his friends. "Hey, Kuroo! You're on my team." He said, without asking first.

"No," Kuroo said. "Shut up."

"It's not like I gave you a choice!" He yelled back.

"Well this is going to be so much fun," the blond said. Although, it was pretty obvious that was the opposite of what he thought.

"You pick your team, and we will meet in the gym," Bokuto said.

"Got it!" I replied. "I look forward to playing you guys."

I especially looked forward to playing them because that meant I would get to rub it in Kuroo's face if I won. It also meant that I got to dress up Bokuto like a princess.

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