XXI: Volleyball

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"Are you ready?" Semi asked, holding a ball.

"Not really," I responded. "But I'll try anyway!"

Semi served the ball at me and I did not pass it back to him. I swung my forearms straight back while I had the ball in front of me. I may have not passed the ball back to Semi, but I passed it nicely to my face.

'Y/n!" Semi tried to sound concerned but I knew he was going to laugh at me. "Are you okay?"

"No! I just hit a ball at my face, you idiot!" I said. "Hey! Don't laugh!"

"Sorry," he chucked. "It's just funny."

He must have recognized that I wasn't happy, because he said, "I'm sorry, maybe we should take a break."

"Yeah." I realized something. "You know, I haven't called Rikka in a while."

"Hasn't it been like five days?" He asked.

"Yes, but considering how much we were talking before, that's a long time Semi-Semi!"

"Oh god." Semi rolled his eyes. "Not the stupid nickname again... Do you want to talk to Rikka right now?"


"Then why did you bring it up, y/n?"

"Well, I'll call her later. I'm spending time with you right now!"

"Alright," he said. "Do you want to grab some lunch?"

"Yes, please! I'm so hungry."

"From what?" Semi made a joke, but I didn't think it was funny.

"Shut up! That was exhausting for me. I'm not some star player who has been to nationals like you have!"

"Yeah." He dropped his face down, now looking at the gym floor. "But I'm no star player."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Just being on the team for this elite school has to mean that you are very good!"

"Well..." He sat down on the floor and I followed. "I was the starting setter. But this year, I lost my position to a second year. I'm not that upset because I still get to serve frequently, which is what I like doing. But sometimes I wonder if I wasn't good enough as a setter before Shirabu came along."

"Shirabu?" I asked. "Who's that?"

"Our starting setter. He has copper-ish hair and ridiculous-looking bangs."

"I think I might have seen him before. Anyway, I'm sorry Semi. I had no idea that you weren't a starter. I guess that I just assumed."

"It's alright," he said. "I get that a lot. I'm used to it by now."

"You shouldn't be used to feeling bad about yourself. It's not good for your mental health, Semi."

"I know, but it's hard sometimes." He said.

"I understand Semi, I used to feel similarly about some things in my life, too."

Just then, the door to the volleyball gym opened. A guy with long, spiky, brown hair walked in.

Wait a minute. I recognize him.

"Semi?" He asked. "What are you doing here with a girl?" The guy paused for a minute. "Wait, is that you y/n?"

"Yes. You're in my English right?" I asked the guy.

"Yeah, I am." This was quite awkward.

"See Semi? This was the girl I was telling you about that was late."

Semi looked over at me. I knew that stupid smile he had on his face, it was a look saying I win.

"Hey! It was only one time!" I defended myself. "Wait. What's your name again?"

"Yamagata Hayato. How do you not remember?" He asked. Yamagata may have been slightly offended that I didn't know who he was.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I don't pay attention."

"Rude." Yamagata turned back to Semi. "Do you want to practice?" He asked. "You can hit serves at me and I'll receive."

"Sounds good," Semi replied. "I'll see you tomorrow, y/n!"

"Bye!" I waved to both of them and walked out the gym doors.

That was awkward... Let me give Rikka a call on my way back.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. It kept ringing, but no answer. Eventually, it went to voicemail and I hung up.

Weird... Maybe she's busy with something. She'll call me back later.

But for the rest of that night, Rikka never called back. The only notification I got was a text from Semi asking if I made it back home safely.

Until I got a text from an unknown number.

Hey y/n, this is Mary. I'm glad that you have decided to come and see me. However, I don't know how to get the opportunity you want. I don't know anything about you. I don't know what you like, what you're good at, or how you spend your time. I don't know what your school life is like or what grades you get. If you could help me out a little bit with that it would be great! Thank you.

I sat down on my small dorm couch and started writing a text back to my mom.

Hi. I haven't done a lot of things while I've been in high school, but I play the piano. I'm decently smart and my grades aren't bad, but I guess there's always room for improvement. I go to an academically elite school called Shiratorizawa in Miyagi prefecture of Japan. Hopefully, this helps you.

That was the longest text I've written in my entire life. Something felt a little weird about it. Maybe it was the fact that I had to introduce myself to my mother. Moms should know their kids inside and out. I'm almost 18, and my mom doesn't know the first thing about me. 

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