XXII: Scrimmages

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"Ah!" I yelled, looking at what I had just done. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

The owl-looking guy looked at me for a second, then started laughing. "It's alright! Happens all the time."

"Really?" I asked. "But it shouldn't!"

"Yeah!" This guy sounded extremely enthusiastic about just getting hit in the face. "We like to hit each other sometimes."

"Seriously? If I did that to the girls on my team they'd probably kill me."

"That's strange!"

"No Bokuto, it's not strange," said a voice behind him. It was the setter in the same light blue jersey. "Most people don't like to spike volleyballs at their teammates for fun."

The setter had blue eyes and very thin, but also fluffy black hair. He almost looked like my dad, except he had a more baby-ish look on his face.

"Hey hey, settle down." Another voice said. I looked over and it was Kuroo. "Let's do a quick scrimmage before lunch. One set to 15?" He asked.

"Sure!" Bokuto said. "But we will beat you guys!"

"Bokuto," the setter said. "Don't be all cocky. Your attitude will make us lose."

"Yeah! Akaashi's right." The voice came from a guy who had straight, dirty blonde hair, and eyes almost like Akaashi's.

"Enough!" Yaku yelled. "Let's start already." He looked over at me. "Rikka, can you be the ref?"


"Uh, sure!" No! Why did I agree to it? "But don't get mad at me for line calls because I can't see everything from up here!"

"No worries!" Yaku said.

"Tch." I whipped my head around to face Kuroo. "Don't make any bad calls Rikka!"

"Shut up Kuroo!"

Oh no! What did I just say? I can't be disrespectful to the players. Especially not the captain of our team!

And he just laughed, like the usual idiot he was. I blew the whistle for Akaashi to serve. He did a normal-looking jump serve that went to Yaku in the back row. He got an almost perfect pass off of Akkashi's serve. The setter pushed the ball to the outside and a guy with a blond mohawk hit a cross-shot into the corner. The same blond guy on fukurodani dove to get the ball, but his timing was off, so it was hit out by him.

"Nekoma 1, wait- what team are you guys?" I asked the players in the light blue Jerseys.

"Fukurodani," Someone responded.

"Okay, got it!" Nekoma 1, Fukurodani 0."

The game went back and forth between points, but in the end, Nekoma won 16-14.

"Alright!" I called out. "Lunch time."

Bokuto started cheering and the rest of the boys ran out of the gym's back door to the grass outside. A few of the managers and some of my teammates were helping with cooking and serving lunch. I followed the boys out the door, handing them the extra water I found sitting on the benches.

"Hey," I said to a girl wearing a navy blue t-shirt. "Do any of you need help with serving or cleaning up?"

"We're okay, but you could see if Sakura needs help filling more waters."

"Alright, thank you." I almost started walking away, but I turned to the girl again. "By the way, what's your name? I'm struggling a little bit keeping up with everybody..."

Piano Master (Semi Eita x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ