III: Lonely Piano

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After school every day, I'd run out of class to my dorm to play the piano. I would play for a couple hours before starting the large amount of homework our teachers gave us every day. I'd also call Rikka and tell her about how stressed I was, but she always told me to discipline myself and do my homework first thing after I got to my dorm.

I got a little better at disciplining myself, but it was very hard. Even after a couple months of trying to get better, it felt like I hadn't moved forward at all. I was still coming back to my dorm and practicing piano for at least an hour before I even wanted to start my homework. However, the practice was paying off! I started to play all the songs I used to struggle with in middle school, and now it felt like I could play them no problem! Everything was coming back to me now.

My phone started ringing, but I didn't know where it was. I looked under the blankets and pillows on my couch, in the kitchen, and on the table.

"Oh there it is!" I saw it lying on the piano. I picked up my phone and answered the call.

"Hey!" I heard from the other end of the line.

"Hey Rikka! What's up?"

"Guess who just won their game for the sixth time in a row?"

"Let me guess," I paused for a minute, so she thought I was thinking hard about it. "That girl who lives next door to you."

" What no! Me you idiot!"

"I know, I know."

"Have you been getting better? Also, do your homework!" Her voice screeched through the speaker, making me hold the phone in front of me.

"A little bit."

"I know, it's hard to get into a new habit. In middle school, they made me change the way I gripped my hands while passing the ball. It was a nightmare to adjust."

"How long did it take?"

"About a month."

"Are you kidding me? I have been dealing with the same thing for the past few months!"

"Just try harder."

"I am trying!"

Rikka laughed, and then went silent for a moment.

"You want to know why I called?" she asked.

"Because you wanted to shove your sixth win in my face," I said sarcastically.

"Maybe- but that's not it!"

"Oh yeah? Then what is it?"

"I was thinking that if you are free next weekend, you could come down to Tokyo and I could show you around or something."

"Wait, for real?"

"Yeah, if you don't have any plans. If you don't want to, I understand."

"Shut up! Do I really seem like the type of person that has plans?"

"I thought you would try to keep yourself busy after I left."

"That's what I have my one true love for. The piano!" I joked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just promise me you won't get a boyfriend before I approve of him."

Of course she had to say that.

"Stop being such a mom. Also, I'm going to be single forever."

"You don't know that. I used to say the same thing, remember?"

"Wait! Does this mean you have a boyfriend now?"

"Oh my gosh, no! I'm just saying it's definitely possible."

"Aww!" I put a baby tone in my voice. "Does wittle Rikka have a crush?"

"No, not at all!" She's lying. "I have to go to bed, goodnight!"

"Night night, lover girl."

I could hear her hissing at me before she ended the call. I put my headphones back in, and played for another hour. I would have done my reading, but I was too excited thinking about seeing her again to even think about it.


"I'm such a failure," I mumbled in my sleep, and accidentally woke myself up.

"Ugh. What time is it?"

Uh Oh.

It was currently 8:00, which was the time class started at. I jumped off my bed, quickly threw on my uniform, and ran out the door. Not only was I going to be late, but I also didn't do my homework. I'm such a wreck. I ran to the door of my class. I walked through the back calmly and went to my seat.

"I hope you guys did your read- l/n why are you late this morning?" Our teacher raised her voice, and then looked at me.

I squealed. "Overslept?"

She gave a disapproving nod. "You at least did the reading right?"

The whole class turned around to look at me. I just laughed hysterically.

"l/n this is no time for jokes! Did you do the reading or not?"

"No," I managed to get out between breaths. I probably looked like a weirdo to the rest of the class.

I was so happy when it was lunch time, I finally got a break from that awful class. It would have been even better if I didn't get lost! I don't even know how I managed to get myself lost, I've been familiar with the school campus for three years. I opened the gym door to take a shortcut through the building.

This isn't the gym?

I walked into a super dark room. I kept trying to feel around the walls to find a light switch.


The light turned on, and all I saw was a grand piano there, waiting for me.

I walked up to the piano and pressed a G note. The sound was phenomenal. I could hear its sharp sound echo through the room, and it's beautiful tone. I pressed every single white key going to the other end. This piano really was something else.

I started to play a simple song, The First Noel. I started crying again. It was just like when I brought that keyboard back a few months back, except so much more. More of everything. The emotions, the tone, the volume- I was playing out loud. Someone could just randomly walk in at any moment, but I didn't care. I was too lost in the music.

I felt all the built up stress from classes just melt away, I was put at ease again. Maybe this was why I always liked to play before doing my homework. The feeling of relaxation, energy, or whatever I was playing, the feeling was addicting. I wanted more.

I completely skipped lunch that day, and knew that I had to go back to class soon. I didn't want to go back to class, but I already caused enough trouble today. I played my final notes, and said goodbye for now. I promised myself that I would come back at night and find the piano again. 

a/n: chapter 3! I hope you guys like reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. I may publish two chapters today! :)

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