they then heard a woman's scream. arthur rushed to the window and looked at as they saw an old woman, crying out in pain.

"there is evil in this land and it is not magic, it is you! and your hatred and ignorance!" she cried to uther who stared at her with a nervous look. "you took my son! and i warn you...before these celebrations are over you will share my tears! an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth...a son for a son!"

isabella and morgana shared a horrified look as arthur's face showed no emotion, however his eyes were filled with fear. "what does she mean by that?" morgana spoke, her voice just above a whisper.

"seize her!" uther yelled as the guards all ran towards the old woman, however, she had casted a spell and disappeared into thin air.

the three moved away from the window, and isabella looked up at arthur, nerves filling her body. "arthur." she began, he shook his head reassuringly.

"she's just an mad old woman upset about her son. nothing will happen to me." arthur waved his hand, shrugging it off. however isabella couldn't help but notice the fear in his eyes as he began to walk away.

isabella looked up at the lady morgana who shared the same look. "i don't have a good feeling about this, izzie." she whispered.

"nor do i...something bad is going to happen."

THE NEXT morning, gwen and isabella watched out of morgana's window as arthur tried to pick a fight with an unknown boy with dark hair, until isabella was called to her room by estella to start getting ready for the evening where lady helen would be singing.

"do i have to get ready? i was enjoying the show." isabella said childishly, making estella roll her eyes and practically drag her to her chambers.

estella had picked out a light pink dress with many frills and left isabella's hair down. her hair was one of her favourite things about herself. it was long, dark, curly and beautiful. it was no secret the people of camelot were jealous of the princess of devlin. however, who wouldn't be if they looked like her? she was the future queen of camelot, was going to be marrying the prince arthur, camelot's heartthrob, and was also the princess of a kingdom in france!

the princess decided to see the people of camelot before the celebrations begun. it was one of her favourite things to do.

"princess isabella," a woman curtsied with a smile.

isabella turned to her, "delilah," she walked over to her stall. she had met delilah a week after moving to camelot. she was a young woman with bright red hair down to her waist and was always selling fruits to help her parents. isabella had grown fond of her, and was often found buying extra of her fruit throughout the day to help her.

"how are you?" delilah asked as she placed some fruits and vegetables into a bag, stocking them up on the shelves.

"very well, and yourself?"

"as am i. i am just stocking up, the people are loving their vegetables today," delilah pointed over to the stocks where the people of camelot would be able to throw food at the prisoner.

isabella giggled, tilting her head back. "i suppose i should go and see who the unlucky person it is today." she smiled, bowing her head in goodbye as delilah curtsied.

she moved gracefully over towards the unknown person, however her eyes widened as she saw who it was in the stocks. the boy arthur had picked a few fights with recently. she adjusted her cloak and walked over closely, "hello." she spoke up softly.

𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄, arthur pendragon. Where stories live. Discover now