"Do you need me for anything this morning?" I ask hopeful, the days I spend with him much more entertaining than without.

"I don't need you today no." He answers. I know my entire body must visibly sink upset at the news. What could I say though? It wasn't my job to attend meetings with him so I couldn't complain.

He still doesn't even look at me. I go to leave the room without another word already knowing my day was going to suck. Just as I opened his door which I now knew to shut behind me just in case, I felt him finally look at me. Still nothing was said as I left.

I got to work on some typical office work alongside Rona who politely made small talk about her weekend plans it fast approaching.

"What you doing?" She asked briefly looking over to me.

"I'm going to a friends house. It's my seventeen so we are just hanging out there." I tell her.

"You're only seventeen? I thought older for some reason. I probably shouldn't of gone home and told my husband how cute you are." She laughs.

"What? Why would you of done that? Your poor husband." I laugh back my attention being pulled away from her as my phone vibrates in my pocket my attentiveness gone completely seeing it was Daniel.

D: Can we go for lunch again?

A: Now that would depend on if you will actually look at me?

D: I was busy! And I knew you would really distract me

A: I don't mean to!

D: No you just do... like right now.
Can you come to my office?

A: And say what? Rona is talking at me what's my excuse?

D: I don't care. Think of one and come here

I liked how demanding that sounded and it wasn't even in a I'm your boss I need you in my office kind of way either because if that was the case he would of rang the office phone or emailed or sent a messenger to tell me. He hadn't though he had text me. I clear my thought and stand up looking down quickly at myself to make sure I looked presentable.

"Sorry Rona. Emergency." I held my phone up as an indication that I'd been told something and had to quickly get going.

"Oh sure. You go." She waved me off. I smiled then hurried out the room not only acting like I was in a rush but also feeling like it.

Daniel made it sound urgent which I liked.

I sped walked down the long corridor then through the main doors to where the small reception area was with the desk to tell them why I needed to see Daniel only now they were getting used me going in and out so didn't question it. Sometimes I would hold up his coffee but rarely she even took notice anymore as soon as she saw it was only me. I'd slowed right down to a walk trying to get my breathing back to normal before I saw him but also so I wouldn't look like a total idiot to both the receptionist and Daniel. She again didn't say anything and I walked right up to his office knocking the door waiting for a response not used to it when he opened the door for me to go inside quickly shutting it behind us.

"What's up?" I try sounding casual even though my heart is pounding, my chest tight with nerves.

He runs his hand through his hair with a sigh before he crosses his arms tightly over his chest. I can't help but stare at how it makes his muscles pop.

"Honestly I'm really struggling here Allister." I snap back up to his face. What does that mean? "I made a promise to myself to behave around you. To not do anything that either one of us could regret. Part of me wants to keep that promise I made myself..." He trails loosing his arms them falling to his sides. "But part of me wants to say screw it." He finishes.

"Well... which half is winning?" I smirk already knowing what his answer will be after all his asked me here to his office and shut the door now his lingering so near by like his fighting himself to stay a distance but it not working.

"The latter." He admits. I would expect him to sound disappointed in himself but him telling me he sounds proud as his eyes scan down my body once again like his trying to decide what part of me to touch first.

I can't help but smile, the feeling of being wanted something I wasn't totally used to and to be wanted by him was something else entirely. "Do you want me to stop you still?" I asked praying his answer would of changed to a no.

He bit his lip his gaze still on my body mainly my hips or it could be my crotch...

He then hesitantly shakes his head no before verbalising his answer. "No. I don't think I do anymore." I don't even know what I say to that... "Allister tell me... you and your ex, you had sex?"

Blushing I can't answer properly too embarrassed. I just nod yes making him crack another smile and nod too.

"I have work to do still. Want to help? It's looking at data and perhaps sending emails." He totally changes the direction of the conversation confusing me. I'd thought this was going somewhere and no obviously not.

"Um I have some stuff to do already." I half lie feeling a bit let down wanting to get out this office a while. He just admitted he wants me yet nothing?

"Well I'm telling you forget that. I need you here." He orders and god did that sound good to me. I just nod and mumble an okay heading just behind him to his desk where his laptop is. He grabs the seat from the other side and carries it effortlessly to where I'm stood beside his, pushing it after dropping it so it knocks the backs of my knees making me fall down into it. I hear him huff amused before he takes a seat beside me in his own chair turning to the laptop again acting totally normal, non sexual.

I spent a few hours with Daniel like he said looking over some figures and then eventually sending some emails him asking me to word them just so he could see how I'd put things. The tension between us was thick. I couldn't even move towards the laptop to type without him practically moaning at me moving in close my shoulder brushing into his chest or without him staring at me so intensely I couldn't even formulate a sentence him eventually just laughing at me and looking away. He clearly knew what he was doing to me. He was enjoying making me so flustered.

It led to nothing though and by lunch he was excusing himself from me.

"I thought you said we were grabbing lunch together?" I ask sure that was why he had called me in here in the first place it not helping that it was now almost two and I hadn't eaten a thing since I left the house this morning around six.

"Sorry. I know I said that but it was an excuse to see you. I'm meeting up with my cousin today and will be gone about two hours... can you cover some work for me? I don't have any meetings but if I get emails sent can you take a look for me? If it's too much-" I shook my head it wasn't making him stop and smile at me halfway through putting his jacket on. He looked down to me still sat at his desk. "Thanks. I will see you later to take you home. I finish at five again." He says. Is it weird that I'm thinking it would be nice to have a goodbye kiss? Just a peak... I know that's something he would do if we were dating but we aren't. It just feels like it because of the time we spend together. His lingering like he doesn't know himself what he should do.

"See you later." I say and then stand and grab his long drank coffee cup walking around his desk to the bin following him after to the doors to leave.

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