Chapter Thirty-Seven: Idiot Plot

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I don't know who the hell this person thinks they are-

Scratch that, I know exactly who they think they are- no, I don't know who the hell they think that they are to be able to order me around, that's what I'm trying to say... order me around, no I don't fucking think so- but then, considering that my vision's finally clearing and I can tell that the threat of snipers posted everywhere here, all of their damn lasers focusing on my chest, maybe I'd better consider that option. Do I want to, no, of fucking course not.

Do I have another option?

Well, seeing as how I don't want to go out in the same way that Lylah did, with a huge-ass hole in my chest that I'd basically ended up putting there myself. Pass, thank you, I've got a life to live and I want to live it-

But going back to Fundy High, oh no, I don't think so. I've had enough of that freaking place, moved there when I was little and still never fit in basically eleven years later, oh no, I wasn't from there, I was an outsider. I mean, granted, I've always been a serious outsider, but it's not for lack of trying to fit in. Now, I think the only trying to fit in that I might be trying to do- or, if I don't fight back against this fucker sooner rather than later, I'm going to end up very dead...

And well, what's driving that fear even harder into my head, you might ask? Lex, you're thinking, what's so scary about being just able to clearly see now after what's probably been hours or maybe even days while most of the bones in your limbs are at the very least beat to hell and there are probably some breaks in there. Gods, what a fucking idiot plot if I've ever heard one one, and yeah, I'll be the one to admit that I'm the fucking idiot.

"So when're we leaving?" I ask, faking a smile as best as I can manage, and in response I have a hunk of cold metal shoved into my paws and it takes me a second to process what it is and why the hell I should be hanging onto it, and when it finally clicks that this is a gun in my grip, and then the further realisation that not only is this a gun but it's your dear old friend, an Avtomat Kalashnikova, model year nineteen forty-seven, a piece of technology that hasn't really been updated since just after the first Inter-Universal War... and I mean, why would anyone need to, it's a fucking AK-47, who the fuck needs to update them. They're guns, they're weapons of mass death if needs be, and yeah, yeah, the politicos would all say- will all say that I'm just a fucking bleeding heart, what the hell does it matter if a few poor unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time souls ended up biting the dust? They were poor, dirt broke and never going anywhere anyways, that means that their lives were inherently less valuable, and never you even mind the fact that all of them whose lives were lost weren't even human, so that just proves how merciless and horrid the entirety of the Jerenteka races are. Never mind that we're incredibly loyal, that we fight for what's right, that we're all fighting for equality and equity for everyone, everyone everyone because that's what brings us higher, and it's not like bringing us higher then ends up bringing other people down, right?

I keep seeing arguments like that though, like hey, if we raise the minimum wage then that means that people who've worked hard for their achievements on paper, those diplomas and degrees and all of that, then they're going to be making just the same kinds of salary money-wise as those people who don't have a degree at all and who are obviously idiot day labourers, and we can't let the poors rise above, can we, no we can't so therefore the solution just has to be that we can't raise the minimum wage, and it's never even ever a consideration to raise the wages of those who have the degrees. This isn't a freaking race war, people, it's a class war and we're all fighting it and that's why, turning this gun that I don't want to hold but that I can't put down now over in my paws, I wish I could sick it to some fuckers that deserve it... but please, I know how this is going to go, and yet I'm going to fight it as long as I can- if I can-

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