Chapter Thirty-Two: Jail House Rock

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"Is she awake yet?"

"I don't know, how're you supposed to tell?"

"Is she breathing?"

"Fuck if I know, man..."

"What's that have anything to do with her being awake?"

"Dumbass, she needs to be alive to be able to be awake... did you check that first?"


"Dumbass, here, let me try-"

"You're gonna pinch her nose-"


"Oh holy shit thank goodness you're still alive I thought we'd lost you oh thank goodness," comes a voice cutting through the black and my head hurts, hurts hurts did I fall what happened oh my gods there's blood all over me-

"I killed someone, didn't I?" I manage to get out, and the looks that they all shoot my way tell me everything, and that realisation comes hammering down onto my head, I'm a murderer... I killed someone, I'm a fucking murderer, I still have the gun, now's my chance to kill the person responsible-

"Electra, don't!" voices scream, and all the while I'm wondering why not? Fuckup, fool, idiot, pussy, wimp, sissy, gayass, what the hell do I have to live for, why not? Not like Lylah's coming back and I did that to her, it wasn't anyone else, it was me, oh my gods it was me and no, I'm doing this-


-there's a weight on top of me, a heavy weight, very heavy, smells like wolf, why is there a wolf on top of me and why are they trying to squeeze me to death and why am I not fighting back? Am I really that convinced that I deserve to die-?

Why yes, of course I am... I'm done, this is it, I hate this hate myself, just wanna be freaking done with life already...

"Electra oh thank goodness you're alive oh thank gods... thank the gods oh gods..."

Please get off me I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I wanna live!

They're licking at my face and oh my gods why why why I'm not gonna do it I wanna live!

My eyes snap open to my face getting held by- Amy? What's she doing here? How's she doing here, what the hell dragged her here into this, did she come with us the first time? I can't remember, I should remember that, you would think I would remember that but somehow I can't... too much stress and strain and fear in my mind to think straight, it's all just been too much...

"Hi Amy," I groan, head pounding, thump thump thump thump thump but at least I think that my mind's all in one piece, I'm here I'm me oh thank the gods above I think I've got my brain back from whatever that was and wherever it sent my mind...

"Random question, and probably super awkward considering that you're on top of me, but did you ever actually see my mom's body... like, do you think that there could be any chance, any chance at all that she could be alive?" I ask, trying to wiggle my way out from underneath her; how did she end up on top of me in the first place- oh, oh my gods am I in a cell with them, oh gods... they locked me up, they put me in here, oh gods... no that's not right, not a cell but cold, where am I?

"Electra oh thank gods you're alive they were telling us that you're dead and bragging about it oh my gods oh my gods and your mom i don't know they just led her away and told us later that she'd been taken care of and we never saw any proof and- oh my gods oh my gods they killed her, didn't they, they killed her? Oh my gods..."

Everything hurts sooo much... I have no idea what happened, I can't remember... I was coming down the elevator and everything started spinning and then it's all hazy from there, I can't remember, no matter how hard I try I can't make my brain remember, it's just me coming down the elevator and then nothing until now, with my head thumping as I'm lying on a partially exposed slab of concrete floor in a room that's almost entirety padded otherwise.... They drugged me, Miguel drugged me, he had to have, but how, I don't remember... did he slip something into a drink, no, not possible because I refused everything he offered me and I didn't eat anything either... but he did take my paw, he probably had it on his palm and then rubbed it off on me, gods, and I have no idea if he was trying to kill me or not, but he's come pretty close and then I ended up passing out just shy of the cells, close enough so that Amy could reach my nose and give it a good honk when it needed it... I'm alive, good, I'm alive, and I've still got this pistol...

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