Chapter Thirteen: Scratching The Surface

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717 Old Drebelt Rd.

West Central New Annan, Nova Scotia

Doctor's Notes: Patient has not been making any measurable progress as of late; has been stalled since news came through of school shooting at local secondary school Fundy High.

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Oh my god. Oh my fucking god, what the hell am I doing in here?

That's what I have to wonder, why did they put me in the only padded room in the place... at least they haven't straight-jacketed me... there's that, right?

And I still have this pad to scribble in, so there's also that.

And I'm not alone, which, well, I don't know what to think about that... and I don't mean that I'm going fucking mental...

I heard about what happened, I've been hearing that it's going spread like wildfire, and heh, West Central New Annan

isn't that far from home...

I need to get out of here.... Lylah, my dear, why why why.... Why? I raised you better than this, I swear....

What made you do this? Why? Was it because your father left? What? Tell me, why didn't you tell me? I don't need you repeating history, my dear... I know I'm too late.

How many people will come to your funeral? Hopefully you draw a crowd, then they can see how foolish you were... I hate to say that you deserved it, but...

No, I shouldn't say that, you really don't, you never did, my dear... but damn, you needed help... I'm sorry...

I know this'll never get out of my notebook here, but I don't blame Electra. News travels fast around here, dear, but you pulled the gun... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let you see what got to me...

I can't blame anyone... except myself...

This is gonna happen again, I just know it...

I've gotten to the hospital, and this is the only thing that they've given me, probably in an attempt to get me to go away... which just makes me all the more suspicious that they're handing out the private diaries and writings of patients... gods, I almost just let myself think 'inmates,' not that that's all too far from the truth when it gets down to the nitty gritty... I just asked for information about any Loxleys that they had, and I got it...

Well, unfortunately for her, she was wrong in thinking that it wasn't gonna get out of her journal... dear god, Lylah, I'm sorry, I should've understood better... if this is what your mother is like? She needs help, Lylah, and I can't imagine that that helped you any... I swear I didn't mean anything by it, gods, why can't- gods, why can't you be back here with me.... I couldn't even go to your funeral... would you even have wanted me there? I don't know, I would hope that you would have wanted me there...

I don't know what to feel anymore, Lylah... and I know you'll never hear me. I don't know if you'd care, but I- well, I still love you.... And yeah, I'm a fucking sap, you know, and fuck it, I didn't think that I'd ever fall for someone as hard as I ever did for you... gods damn, Lylah, why? Why'd you do it?

I need answers, desperately I need answers, and you're the only person who can give me those answers... which, I guess kinda means that I'll never get an answer because you're fucking six feet under...

No wait, you got set to the wind, right? I can't even remember, isn't that awful... Lylah, I want you to know that I would've gotten down on one knee for you, why did you do it?

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