Chapter Twenty-One: A Good //Samaritan// Canadian

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Twenty-something minutes later, and it turns out that I was right, even at just barely over five-nine and maybe sixty kilos, I'm still what the jailers are scared up, especially if I let my temper get the best of me and then my hackles start to puff up and I look a lot bigger and a lot meaner as a raging ball of fur then I do as calm, demure Electra Stehlen...

And it makes me feel some kind of strange joy that I'm so very much not used to that I'm in charge of these situations now, I'm the one with the upper hand and that I'm the one with the say in the situation... and no, I'm not going to let it go to my head, because that's the way that I start to get an inflated ego and if I'm already this much of a mess when I have all my faculties working, I don't want to let myself imagine what I would be like when I finally would start to slip for real...

No thank you, so yeah, it's nice to have a little power for once, but with even a little power comes a little responsibility, and my responsibility is to figure out what the hell is happening exactly so that I can put a stop to it- and if that takes threatening a few hapless cops who just became officers so that- and they know it, just like everyone else does and heaven knows that they're not going and hiding all that fucking well most of the god damn time- they could beat up on the poor and on people who can't stand up enough to be able to help themselves- then so fucking be it, bring it on... I know that I can fucking handle it, reality's not going to beat me- if they need someone to show them the honest truth, then let's go...

So that's how I find myself sitting across the desk from that same warden and another person like me, I think that they're a dire wolf? Freaking huge, whoever they are and whatever their species is... and I don't want to be answering to them, no, fuck no, but then at the same time I've managed to find myself in this fucking mess...

"So, Miss Wilde," the first one starts, stressing Wilde and I want to strangle the fucking bastard but that would get me shot and I don't wanna be shot, I'll definitely pass on that- "what brings you here today, again so soon, I might add?"

There's an angry seething warmth of rage that decides that now would be the perfect time to surge up right up inside me like I'm a rabid wolf instead of one that's grown up and that turns nineteen in not too long... September 11... so close...

"Got a report to give," I spit, trying to make sure that my hackles are down down down, calm wolf...

"Oh?" the dire wolf- yep, that's what he is, I can see for sure now that that's what he is, the jack-o-lantern eyes are a fucking dead giveaway- asks, and I nod.

"Don't you want a lawyer or something, miss?" he asks, and as much as I want to nod and then say nothing, because believe me, I'm awfully well-versed in having everything that I say used against me, I know that I can't reasonably do that... not now, not when I'm on the freaking spot like this... so I'll fess up to knowing what I know, that I walked into that school, knowing full well that there's an extant law on the books that applies to all living beings- which means even 'non-persons' like yours truly and that that law meant that I could walk into that building looking for help and get it, especially given that I was bleeding- and I wouldn't have called it fiercely bleeding, but it was enough so that it would have posed me a threat enough...

-and then what happened next was that I saw this rabbit toting a gun and shooting people, that she didn't kill anyone, just got them good with a few bullets like what happened to me- I stress that, that she didn't kill anyone and that I don't honestly think that she could have- and the fact that I could make that judgement so quickly makes it fairly accurate, that yes I did try to stop her and yes I probably scared her but also that I feel that it was more than freaking justified considering everything... that's reasonable cause, right?

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