Chapter 31: Begun, the Second Wizarding War has.

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The days that followed the third task were days that just went by just like that. Dumbledore had spoken to us at Breakfast. And he told us that Harry simply needed his space.

 Harry had met with the Diggorys. They both sobbed for the loss of their son. They didn't blame Harry for what happened. And they did thank him for returning Cedric's Body to them. He also tried to offer them the money that he had won. But they didn't accept it. 

When I walked in on them. I went over to Mr. And Mrs. Diggory. 

"Oh, hello, Kassie." Mr. Diggory said to me. His face was all baggy. "Thank you for bringing Cedric back to us." 

"I couldn't leave him there." I said with tears in my eyes. And I took out two Drachmae. 

"Kassandra. We already told Harry-" Mr. Diggory waved me off thinking that I was giving them prize money.

"It's for Cedric." I told him. "In my culture... we have this ritual where when a person dies, we place two Gold Drachmae on the body to pay for passage to the Underworld. Place them on his eyes. So that he can pay Charon and cross the River Styx." I explained.

Mr. Diggory looked skeptical, but he did take the coins. "Thank you." He thanked. 

Well... after that, I went back up to the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry joined us later in the evening. 

"I always thought Cedric was invincible." Ryan said. "And now... he's gone... just like that." 

I sighed. "There was nothing you could've done, Kassie." Anubis informed. 

"It's not fair." I said. "Cedric's murderers are out there, and the Ministry won't act on it. The leaders at any rate." 

"Dad always said the Ministry wasn't always the best at handling crisis. It's why they had to have Dumbledore and the Circle of Khanna bail them out in the war against Trotsky." Ron commented. 

Sickleworth who was with us the whole time, nestled me for comfort. 

"So what now?" Hermione asked.

"Ethan and Jacob are going to rally whoever they can." I answered. "There's another war coming with Voldemort. He always said that he would be back." 

"And this time, we've got to finish the job." Ryan added. "Not just for Cedric. But for everyone he's ever messed with." 

"You'll be with us as well, right Gods?" I asked.

"We stand with you." Horus declared. "Now more than ever. The world is falling into evil and shadow." 

"Even though Anubis is a Dark God?" Ron asked.

"There's a difference between Darkness and Evil." Anubis reminded. 

I also couldn't help but notice that we were possibly the only ones who talked to Harry anymore. Most people skirted around him in the corridors, avoiding his eyes. Some whispered behind their hands as he passed. He said this to us in the Common Room. "I reckon they believed Skeeter's article about how I was potentially disturbed and dangerous. That or they developed theories about how Cedric died." Harry was saying.

"Nerve of some people." Ryan commented. "Crap." 

I couldn't help but notice that Ryan was acting like his whole life was turned upside down. He still made his cartoons, but not as frequent. Every other moment was sitting on the couch. And I knew what was on his mind.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"That woman you said you didn't know the name of her." Ryan asked me. 

"Yeah." I answered. "All she said was that she married a Mudblood and gave birth to three children. And that Voldemort threatened that her youngest daughter would be in Slytherin or else. And I have a bad hunch that it's-"  

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