Chapter 4: The Dark Mark.

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I layed in my bunk in our tent when we came back and looking at the replay of the whole game on my Omnioculars. I couldn't stop thinking about the game.

"Wow." I said. "You think I'll be on that stage for England one day, Mater?" I asked Mater. 

"One day." Mater answered. "Maybe." 

"Ethan? Did you see that play with the-" I was so hyper, and I loved it.

"I saw. I was there." Ethan answered. 

"I mean, the way they play. It's something, isn't it?" I asked. 

"You're telling us." Lizzie answered. "Irish are pretty tough opponents." 

"And they won it all the way this year." Ethan announced. 

"Say... Mater? Did you ever... ever play Quidditch for Hufflepuff?" I asked.

Mater shook her head. "No. I was just a spectator, Kassie. Your father was on the team. But he was more 2nd String. I think my skills were more into the Dueling Club. I was a very accomplished duelist myself, as was your Father." She answered.

"Which kind of explains why Jacob and I are so good at dueling." Ethan added.

"To Irish Victory then." Beatrice raised her glass.

We all clanged our glasses. 

From the other side of the campsite, we could hear much singing and that odd echoing bang noise. It must've been the Irish celebrating. 

"Can't say I blame them, really." Mater commented on the noise. 

"Yeah, that's the Irish for you. They like to throw a party and celebrate. Really celebrate." Penny said. 

"Are you going to end that noise, Ethan?" Beatrice asked.

"Nah. I'm off the clock." Ethan said getting to bed. "Besides. I don't want to be the one to tell the Irish they've got to stop celebrating." 

"Why not?" I asked.

"Have you ever asked an Irish to stop celebrating?" Ethan asked. 

I got in my bunk. "It was awesome. It was. I'm telling you. They'll be talking about it for years and years!" I declared. "Something that the Tales will speak of. And I'll be the one to tell them. Just as Homer and Plato did." 

"I look forward to that day." Jacob replied.

Mater went up to me and laughing. "First things first, Kassie. We have to at least let the night end. And you need to get sleep." She told me.

"Yes, Mater." I sighed. And reluctantly, I went to sleep.

Between finding out that I was going to be an Aunt, and watching the Quidditch Match, I didn't want this night to end. It was too much. And I was certainly going to be swapping stories with my friends tomorrow. But Mater said that I had to go to bed. So I had to do that. 

Half the time, I wanted to get on my own Firebolt. I'm not sure why Wood didn't think of that. Maybe we would've even beat Hufflepuff. Oh, well. We won and that was that. 

Nothing could ever top this night. And nothing could ruin it. Nothing!

You know... I really got to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. 

I woke up from the sound of some noise. It didn't sound like singing. Instead I heard screaming. And not the good kind.  

Ethan, Jacob, Lizzie, Penny, and Mater were still awake. Beatrice had just woken up too. 

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