Chapter 30: The Hospital Wing.

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(Kassandra P.O.V)

Pretty soon, I found myself in the Hospital Wing on a bed. And Lizzie guarding me. And Beatrice just sitting on another bed in shock. I honestly don't remember how I got there, or leaving the stadium. It was all a blur. All I really remember was Ethan taking me to the Hospital Wing and then leaving to go find the Imposter.

"Kassie. Try not to move." Lizzie told me.

I couldn't help it. With everything that happened tonight. "Where are Cedric's parents?" I asked.

"They're with Professor Sprout." Lizzie answered. "She was... the head of Hufflepuff House." 

Beatrice still remained silent. She hadn't said a word since... it happened. "What happened to Danni?" I asked.

"All Beauxbatons students are forced to come back into the Carriage. No exceptions." Lizzie answered.

Well, Malaka. Because in this moment in time. I think Bea needed Danni. Now more than ever.

Pretty soon, my friends all came. The Weasleys, Hermione, Ryan...

"Kassie!" Hermione yelled to me. 

"Mione?" I asked confused. 

She ran over to me, but Ryan held her back. 

"Give me some space, please?" I requested. "I've had a hell of a night okay?"

"Well, what happened?" Ron asked wanting to know. Hades, they all wanted to know.

So, I told my friends everything. Mad Eye being an Imposter. The Potion that revived Voldemort; the Death Eaters Apparating in between the graves; Fletcher Snyde killing Cedric. Voldemort's speech to his Death Eaters. And Harry dueling Voldemort. It was enough to make the three of them shudder. Except for the Gods. 

"So Cedric has fallen into Shadow." Anubis said grimly. 

"That's a way of putting it." Ron commented. 

"Fletcher Snyde is back?" Mrs. Weasley asked horrified. "I can't... believe it." 

"So is Voldemort." I added. 

My friends wanted to know more. But it was Mrs. Weasleys turn to fend everyone off. "Give this poor girl some air for Gods Sake!" 

Soon, Ethan and Jacob entered. With an injured...

"Ah! Imposter!" Ryan yelled.

"Ryan, relax!" Jacob stopped. "This is the real Mad Eye Moody. Barty Crouch Jr. had him locked up in the chest in the DADA office. He took clumps of Mad Eye's Hair for Polyjuice Potion so he could keep his disguise." 

"Isn't that... grand... Please help me to my bed..." Mad Eye seemed to have been through a battlefield himself. I didn't want to ask details. "I'm sorry you kids got mixed up in all of this. That Barty Crouch Jr. is no joke."

"It wasn't your... f-fault." I grumbled. 

"Kassie." Ethan rushed over to me. "How are you?"

"I feel terrible." I answered.

"Yeah, I kind of figured." Ethan replied as he held my hand. "It's okay. I'm here now. So is Jacob." 

"I want Mater." I said again.

"She's on her way." Jacob assured.

It was such a long night, and it didn't want to stop. I'm sorry, but I could barely remember any more details about me getting better, or anything. It was all too overwhelming, my brain felt on fire. What was said by people. What was going on. And who said what. And I also felt guilty for what happened to Cedric. It was all my fault. I had that vision. I should've fought harder. I could've prevented it. I could've... Oh Gods.

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