Chapter 5: Chaos.

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3rd Person P.O.V.

The Death Eater who had confronted Ethan Bauer before, removed his mask to reveal the face of Fletcher Snyde. He had never seen Ethan before. But now, he saw not a frightened child, but a powerful wizard. And the Death Eaters saw him as such. For Ethan had a reputation among the Death Eaters. Given that he was the one wizard who killed Iosef Trotsky. The Word from Azkaban came through. 

"Ethan Bauer looks exactly like his father." Fletcher said to Voldemort, still being taken care of by Voldemort.  

"So he is." Voldemort replied not really bothered by it. "If he was able to defeat Trotsky, then he must be twice as powerful. His ability to install fear in even my most loyal of followers is... impressive." He admitted.

"We have failed, my Lord. The attack did not go as planned." Pettigrew knelt. 

"You're objective was to stir chaos, and you have done that, Pettigrew." Voldemort said. "I seem to remember what chaos was unleashed after Derek Slayton destroyed St. Mungo's. A pity he was a Mudblood. Otherwise he would've made a valuable asset to our cause." 

Fletcher shrugged. What's done was done now.

"My only regret was that a faction of our Death Eaters were killed by the Bauer Brothers. Not just that, but we have also learned something. The Wizarding World is not the pillar of strength that it is if Ethan Bauer is not there to protect them." Voldemort continued. "We'll need more for what is to come." 

"More recruits?" Fletcher asked. 

"No, Snyde. We still have all the recruits we need in Azkaban. But if there was a massive breakout, the Ministry will be on our tails. We will be patient with them for now." Voldemort answered shooting that idea down. "The Dementors can keep silent on you and you alone." 

Pettigrew brought him to a bath of more Unicorn Blood. "Your Bath, My Lord." He said.

"Ah... aren't they such wonderful creatures, Unicorns?" Voldemort asked as he submerged through the bath. 

"I always thought they were smelly disgusting creatures." Fletcher answered. "The only redeemable quality about them is their blood. Merula seemed to like them though. Weak Girl." He scoffed at that name. 

"For the sake of Lucius Malfoy, his son, Draco better not turn into another failure like Merula Snyde was." Voldemort commented. 

Fletcher nodded his head. "On that... we are agreed. Though... I would not consider Merula a Snyde anymore. She's not worthy of the name. She never was." 

That was when Pettigrew spoke up. "My Lord. You'll also be happy to know that the Dark Mark has been casted. Our good friend, Barty Crouch Jr. did the work." He reported.

And then they all heard someone enter the room. "Come in, Crouch. We wish to acknowledge your glory." Voldemort insisted. Fletcher still had his wand on standby.  

But nevertheless, Barty Crouch Jr. entered the room. "My Lord." He knelt. "The Dark Mark is cast. As per your orders." He informed.

"And do they suspect it was you?" Fletcher asked. 

"No." Crouch answered. "They put the blame on my Father's House Elf, Winky. No doubt that my Father will free her for her 'betrayal'."

And all the Death Eaters laughed. "I should've gotten myself a House Elf. That way I could've at least gotten rid of dead weight whenever I chose." Fletcher said. 

"You mean with Merula?" Pettigrew asked. 

"Yes." Fletcher answered. He then looked at Crouch. "And I seem to remember that it was your Father who got me sent to Azkaban. He took such great strides in it too."  

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