Episode 21 Shocking Hobby

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Today, at the invitation of Carnelia-sama, I will participate in the tea party of the Duke of Boulanger.

Lady Carnelia is Spinel's little sister, but I've only met Spinel once. However, I have been invited to tea parties many times.

She has a cheerful personality that doesn't discriminate against anyone, and unlike the other noble ladies, she doesn't try to find out anything about His Highness or Spinel. Rather, like me, he is in a position where he is tired of being asked about this and that by people around him.

We naturally hit it off, and she is one of the few aristocratic daughters I can trust.

At the tea party, most of the topics were about the entrance celebration party.

“…Can Carnelia-sama dance with Legrand-sama?”

At my question, the girl with bright red hair and light blue eyes nodded.

"That's right. Because I don't want to deal with Brother Spinel anymore. Brother Legrand will kindly escort you."

I can't help but smile wryly at that unreserved way of saying it.

Legrand is also her brother, the second son of the Boulanger family. He is a royal guard knight at the royal palace.

"Carnelia-sama danced the first dance when Spinel-sama debuted at the ball, didn't she?"

It was Petara-sama who spoke from the side. She is the same age as me, a lady with light brown hair. She has a gentle and kind personality, and she has a good relationship with her.

I am very grateful that Carnelia-sama's tea party is mainly for such a mild personality, and I can easily participate in it.

Carnelia-sama pouted her lips dissatisfied when she mentioned Spinel.

“My brother Spinel doesn’t usually see me at all, but he only pulls me out when it’s convenient. It's troublesome, so you're fine.'

"oh dear…"

Spinel is now 17 years old, but will enter the academy this year to match His Highness. It is a special measure for followers. However, her ball debut had already been completed at the age of 15, and it seems that she danced her first dance against this Carnelia-sama at that time. It may seem surprising, but it also feels like a spinel.

In his previous life, he only had the image of a womanizer, but in this life, he seems to have few signs of that. Because servants are busy... He may not have time to go out with girls.

"Rather than me, Master Linaria. Haven't you received an invitation from His Highness the Prince?"

It was Carnelia-sama who threw an unexpected straight ball.

The other daughters are also looking at me with a feeling of "Oh, I said it". She had been reluctant to say it until now, but she still wanted to hear it.

"No. I'm close to His Highness, but I'm afraid to be the first dance partner...I can't do it."

I calmly smiled and denied in a clear but reserved tone.

I still stick to the "silent and quiet lady" style suggested by Spinel. Because it was easier than I thought.

In response to my reply, the troupe spread a slightly disappointing air of "Nah!". ... I'm in trouble even if I expect it.

Carnelia-sama put her hand on her lips and tilted her head, saying, "That's right, isn't it?"

Since this kind of question is frequently asked, she should already know that I and His Highness are not in that kind of relationship. Maybe this fastball is just confirmation.

"Then what about your partner?"

"I'm thinking of asking my brother."

The eldest brother, Lazurite, is in the territory, but the second brother, Tyrolite, is in the capital because he is studying at the academy. I'm quite popular, so maybe he's invited me to be his partner, but I can't turn down his sister's request.

“…Have you been invited by other gentlemen?”

"Yes. Especially."

When I nodded, Carnelia-sama began to scratch her head while saying, "Hmm. Brother's stupid..." for some reason. It would happened to?

"Then, who will His Highness the Prince dance with?"

“If it’s not Linaria-sama, isn’t it around the Duchess of Brochant?”

The ladies talk about this and that.

“If you say you are a good match for His Highness, would you say Floria-sama?”

Someone said that, and I couldn't help but react to her name.

Ugh, some people are looking at me. wrong. Please don't worry about it because it's different...!

"I think there are more people who are more suitable for His Highness."

It was Licia who said so. She is a beautiful young lady with black hair who is two years older than me. As for me, I am very grateful for the timing...

“I think His Highness should definitely dance with Spinel-sama!!”

… Yes, this person is like this ….

Among the nobility, there are a few homosexuals here and there. Both men and women.

And there are also some people who are particularly fond of such stories.

I had heard about it, but it was the first time I had actually met her since my previous life, so I was very shocked.

Surprisingly, she not only enjoys such stories, but she also enjoys fantasizing about real people, even those who have no such rumors. Moreover, it seems that she is not the only noble with her hobby.

I was very surprised, and then I realized, "Didn't your Highness and I in the previous life also have such delusions?" I was a little worried about something horrible.

It seems that some of the successive princes occasionally dabbled in their servants, and even if that happened, the people around them wouldn't stop them. It would be terrible if I carelessly messed around with the maids and ladies around here and ended up with a child, but if I'm a follower, I'm relieved.

I was also told by the educator, "If you are asked, don't refuse," and I was taught such knowledge.

Of course, His Highness didn't have any hobbies like that, so that knowledge wasn't useful.

At most, I wonder if Spinel took that class in this world... I can't help but laugh to death when I imagine what kind of face he was listening to.

It's funny because it's someone else's business.

“I think men should dance with men and women should dance with women.”

The other ladies such as Carnelia-sama and Lithia-sama enthusiastically said so with a wry smile, but it was frightening to see some of them nodding their heads.

Lithia-sama is like this every time, so I feel that the number of young ladies who are influenced by her is gradually increasing. Most of the time it's between men, but sometimes it's between women, so you have to be careful not to get hit by stray bullets.

“Agen-sama is also wonderful, isn’t she?

"Ah, I saw you two talking intimately the other day!"

Oh, oh...

I did my best to keep the smile from catching on.

After that, the tea party ended peacefully, albeit with incomprehensible delusions.

I want you to stop. When you meet His Highness and Spinel, what will you do if you imagine the two of them dancing and erupt?

It's a gag. There will be no such developments in the future. Just to be sure.

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