Episode 7 Dance Lesson part 1

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"It was..."

As soon as I stood up, pain ran through my thighs, and I staggered unintentionally.

"Are you okay, Linaria?"

It was His Highness who immediately supported my shoulder. Until now, we have been observing the frogs that live in the castle pond together.

"It's been acting strange since a while ago, but is it hurting somewhere?"

"No, it's just muscle pain. Actually, yesterday was a dance lesson, and my whole body was pounding."

"... Crazy"

His Highness repeats with an indescribable face.

"Can't you say something a little more sexy?"

It was Spinel who said that with a stunned look.

"It's unnecessary help," I said and turned to the side.

Recently, this guy often says things like ''Be a woman''. The reason is simple.

Because we turned 12 this year.

Children of aristocrats generally pass through three stages before joining the ranks of adults.

Childhood is up to 11 years old. He learns some basics, such as academics, magic, and swordsmanship.

From the age of 12, as one step closer to becoming an adult, he begins to study more seriously, focusing on etiquette and social skills.

At the age of 15, he entered a magic academy, learned cooperativeness, and made connections. Her marriage partner is also looking for about this time.

And when you graduate at the age of 18, you will finally join the ranks of adults.

If he is the eldest son, he will study seriously in order to succeed him. Most of the other men get jobs. Girls start preparing for marriage.

In short, Spinel wants to say that children should graduate and be feminine now that they are already 12 years old.

I know that it's better to be sexy than not, and I understand in my head that I should be more like a noble daughter, but as a man who was originally a man, I don't see "femininity". There is always resistance and it doesn't go well.

Also, it's not fun to be told by Spinel.

"But are you going to have such a hard lesson now? Are you planning to go to the ball?"

"No... it's not like that..."

Unless specifically invited, most children make their ball debut at age 15.

I'm planning on doing that too, but...

"For the most part, you were too bad at it, so you were forced to take additional lessons."


I was poked at the painful place and groaned.

"Oi oi, it's a hit. Well, you look stinky."

"It doesn't stink!..."

Unintentionally, a man's words came out, and I hurriedly added it, but it was already too late.


Putting aside the time when my memories of my previous life had just returned, I rarely use manly words these days, but when I'm talking to Spinel, they do come up from time to time.

Spinel usually speaks politely, but when it's only His Highness and I, he speaks in a messy tone.

It seems to be tempted by it, but Spinel never fails to hear it. He often teases me with a grin.

What an ill-mannered man. How could someone like this be His Highness' servant...?

Both appearance and demeanor are perfect in public places, so it's bad.

His Highness seems to have been influenced by him, and at some point the first person has changed from "I" to "I".

I think I changed it when I turned 15 in my previous life.

By the way, I also changed from "I" to "I" around that time, but now that I think about it, I'm really glad I didn't change it to "ore". Even if the wording gets confused, it's because you don't have to make a mistake in the first person.

It would be a disaster for a noble daughter whose first-person pronoun is "I".

"Is Linaria not good at dancing?"

It was His Highness who asked that question.

"I have the basics...well, I'm not good at it..."

It's true that I'm not good at it, but that's not where the problem lies, so I can't help but muddy my words.

However, Spinel said something outrageous.

"That's right. His Highness should be my practice partner."

"Eh! That's so scary!"

I hurriedly deny it. Even if it's just for the dance teacher, I'm still bothering him, so I can't even bother His Highness.

"It doesn't matter, but wouldn't it be better to have Spinel as your opponent? You're good at dancing, aren't you?"

"I don't have the confidence to not get angry when this guy stepped on my foot. His Highness is better suited."

"I see"

"B-but, I'm afraid I'll show you the embarrassing part..."

His Highness gently smiled at me who was about to decline.

"I also started dancing only recently. I'm not very good at it."

"No, it will definitely cause trouble. I have that confidence."

"... so much?"

"So much..."

There was an awkward silence for a moment, but His Highness nodded sympathetically.

"It's okay. That's more practice."

For some reason His Highness said so with a look full of motivation.

...Well, if I could dance with someone as unskillful as I am, I would be able to do well with anyone.

"His Highness is saying this, be spoiled."

It was no longer an atmosphere of refusal. I bow my head timidly.

"...then, please."

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