Episode 5 Once again part 2

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The next afternoon, I came to the royal castle with my mother.

She is wearing a sky blue dress that she just made the other day. Her mother and her servants were so enthusiastic about dressing her that it took a long time to get her ready.

The fact that father is not with him is a pose that shows that "This is a personal visit by a daughter, not a marquis."

I really wanted my mother to wait for me at the mansion, but this is my first visit to the castle in this world. I'm still 10 years old, so it can't be helped because it's not common sense for me to visit for the first time with only a servant.

After giving my identity to the guards and receiving a light check from the court lady who came to pick me up, I was guided through the castle.

The corridors of the castle I walked for the first time in a long time felt much wider and bigger than I remembered. It's probably because my height has shrunk compared to my previous life.

Before long, I was led to a small reception room that the prince often used for private visits. Even though it's small, it's small at the level of royalty, so it's about the size of our mansion's reception room.

Linalite also had many opportunities to come here, so she was nostalgic and looked restlessly. She must have thought it was a novelty. Embarrassing.

While waiting for a while while drinking tea, there was a knock on the door of the reception room, and His Highness appeared.

"Good evening, Your Highness. Thank you for inviting me today."

"Good evening, Your Highness."

Next to my mother who greets me in a beautiful courtesy, I pick up my dress and do a courtesy. I practiced hard so that I can meet His Highness anytime, so I should be in a beautiful posture.

"Oh. It's been a month."

His Highness nodded with an expressionless expression that was the same as in his memory, and his nostalgia welled up again, but I absolutely must put up with crying.

I pulled myself together and sat down on the sofa facing His Highness...a boy standing diagonally behind His Highness caught my eye.

A tall boy a few years older than me, with bright red hair that was tied back. His hair color and facial features are familiar.

Perhaps noticing my gaze, the prince introduced me to the boy.

"He is my squire, Spinel."

Hearing the name reminded me of it.

He should be Spinel, the fourth son of the Duke of Boulanger.

The youngest child of a family famous for its martial arts, and is a skilled swordsman. He was two grades above me at school, so we didn't get along very well. Although he was capable, he remembers him as a very frivolous man.

I was stunned.

Since there is no Linalite, it is only natural that someone else should be the prince's servant. But for some reason, I had completely forgotten about it until now.

The fact that I was not standing behind His Highness shocked me to my own surprise.

"Spinel Boulanger," said Spinel, bowing his head and looking at me with a puzzled look.


"Oh...! No, no! It's nothing."

I panicked and put on a smile. It's not the time to be shocked, I came to see His Highness today.

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