Episode 8 Dance Lesson part 2*

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Since the royal castle is large, there are many rooms that can be used for dance practice.

In the middle of an empty room, I faced His Highness. His Highness reaches out his hand.

"thank you"

She grabbed the dress, bowed her head, and took her hand. Snuggle up to each other and be ready to move at any time.

"Hold's posture is fine."

Spinel says while looking at it from the side. Then dance practice began.

There was no music, so I clapped my hands while Spinel called out.

"One, two, three..."

At first it was going reasonably well.

There are some awkwardness here and there, but I think I did my steps and posture properly. She also has a rhythm.

But along the way, things started getting weirder. I could feel myself stopping, taking the wrong steps, and feeling strange powers all over my body.

I've already stepped on His Highness's feet several times, and each time I'm shaken, I'm going crazy at an accelerating rate.


Spinel stopped halfway through, seemingly unable to see the tragedy.

I apologize and look up at His Highness's face.

"Excuse me, Your Highness... Doesn't it hurt where you stepped on it?"

"It's okay. You're light, so it doesn't hurt at all."

His Highness has a calm face. He stepped on it pretty well.

It's hard to understand even if you put up with it because it's a person who rarely shows it on the face.

Spinel was holding his head by his side.

"This is serious... It was normal at first, but why is it like that?"

"The more you try, the more crazy it gets..."



I know the cause myself. But I can't explain.

"Let's continue a little longer"

It was His Highness who said so. He reaches out his hand towards me again. Even though he stepped like that.

"... Alright. Next time I'll point out the things that bother me, so don't stop the dance itself, make corrections while dancing."


It's a great opportunity to practice. I have to dance more properly for the sake of the two people who are dating me. I nodded seriously.

"... Stop. I think I finally understand."

Spinel stopped dancing again, making a gesture to control his headache.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I was out of breath because I was dancing all the time. His Highness still seems fine, but...

"Have you found the cause?"


...well, did you find out why?

"Your Highness, please replace me for a moment. There is something I want to confirm."

Spinel seems to be my training partner this time. Is it okay? I honestly have a bad feeling about it.

"Linaria, are you okay? You must be pretty tired."

"But... I'll do my best!"

His Highness said that he was worried, and I regained my spirit.

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