Chapter 7: Night school

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Hayley's POV

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Hayley's POV

"Lock it, Lock it," yells Scott as we're trying to keep the door shut from the alpha coming in.

"I don't have a key," says Stiles

"Grab something," Scott yells

"What," asks Stiles

"Anything," yells Hope 

I look outside to see pilers. 

"Mom, No," Hope says  

"Mom, yes," I say as I open the door and go to grab the pilers.

 I walk over and quickly grab them as Scott, Stiles and Hope start banging on the window and I turn to see the alpha starting to run at me. I quickly run as Hope opens the door for me. We look outside for where it went. 

"Where'd it go," asks Hope as we look around and into the school. 

"We need to run now." I say as my eyes glow red as soon as we hear a wolf howl

Scott, stiles and Hope nod as we run into a classroom. We push desks to the door. As Scott, Hope and Stiles talk about what the hell was going on and trust me if it wasn't for the situation we were in I would say they talk a lot. I call Elijah and Enzo while looking around just as Elijah picks up.

"Hayley what's wrong," Elijah says worried

"Derek's dead, the the alpha killed him" I say as I bite back tears. "Hope, Scott, Stiles and I are at the school. Try to get us out please."

"We will just hang tight." He says 

I end the call as the car battery of Stiles jeep is thrown into the window with claw marks, great. 

"That's my battery," stiles says trying to get up and Hope keeps him down. "We need to move,"

"He could be right outside," Hope says quietly

"Elijah and Enzo are going to come but we need to figure out how we're getting out." I say at the boys and Hope, they nod.

I look outside and see nothing. I then head out into the hall with the boys and Hope following me. 

"Whatever you do, you stay close to me got it," I say in a whisper voice. 

The Alpha's Argent ~ Chris ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now