Chapter 4: Magic Bullets

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Hayley's POV

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Hayley's POV

Last night, Derek told me he knew now how Chris was related to me and Hope. He was hurt I didn't tell him but he understands and he'll do everything he can to make sure Chris doesn't find out about Hope at least not yet. 

I was at school the next day with Hope when we saw Derek with Jackson. We ran up to them, when Derek pinned Jackson to the locker.

"Derek let him go," I say in his ear. 

Derek let's him go and was shocked when his wolf actually listed but hey I was an alpha and he had to listen to me. Hope and I take Derek to one of the classroom where it's empty. 

"What the hell happened?" I say 

"I was shot by your ex best friend and Hopes aunt Kate," he says as Hope and I look at each other and then to Derek to see that he's pale, really pale. "I need Scott, Hope and maybe Stiles. They could help me." 

"I'll get Scott and stiles," says Hope as she runs out of the classroom.

"Come on I'll get you too the animal clinic." I say as I lift him up and head to the clinic. 

I know Hope will be able to get what we need but will she be able to in time.

I know Hope will be able to get what we need but will she be able to in time

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Hope's POV

I ran outside to find Scott and Stiles. I find Stiles and heads to go help my aunt while I look for Scott. That's when I end up seeing Scott with Alison, my sister. Fuck, now how was I supposed to help Derek. I was just about to walk away when Alison calls me over. 

"Hope," she says 

I bite my tongue before I turn and smile to them. 

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