Chapter 74 : Dragon's Ruby and March of the Unstoppable

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Back on Ochorigaru Planet :
Shirou is sitting in a cave thinking and planning for his next 6 Months and how he'll exactly use them .
Shirou then gets up and pulls out his Rifle and shoots a Mountain .

Shirou : "The hell am I supposed to do ... I have no real plan dammit !"

Shirou pauses for a moment and thinks that he still got to save Merus and Miryoku no matter what as he keeps closing and opening his eyes hoping to regain the Golden Color he gained on the battle against Kokuto , In other words the Kind of Innate Self State he achieved back then however nothing happens after he keeps trying .

Shirou : "Dammit this Innate Self Something really is hopeless for me huh , Even though it's incomplete , It should have been worth a shot !! I just have to figure out something on my own ."

Shirou remembers something .
Shirou : "I will not resort to that , Not in a million years ."
Shirou continues meditating trying to hone his own Spiritual Energy and increase it further .

In the open Space Of An Unknown Multiverse? :

???¹ (A First Unknown) : "Preparations complete ?"

???² (A Second Unknown) : "Not yet , We need at least 5 more Years ."

???¹ is a Tall Light Black Skinned Man with Thick Straight Green Hair and Yellow eyes wearing a Blue Blouse and Black Shorts .
He's pretty Muscular and looks carefree .

???² is of an unknown gender wearing a Black Robe hiding their entire body .

???¹ (Bored and Standing in The middle of Space) : "This Multiverse's pretty standard don't you think ? If we moved to an even better One it would be done in a year or so .."

???² (Seriously) : "Certainly Not , Regarding my understanding and cognizance of the current positioning in terms of the Highest Asagaversal Spiritual Energy Potency and Overall Spiritual Energy Stability , This Multiverse possesses the Greatest thus far ."

???¹ (Listening closely) : "I still can't get it , I don't feel such energy from here . I could understand for the stability , But for Potency ! There ain't no way !"

???² (Seriously) : "My Informations are indisputably Validated ."
???¹ turns to ???² , Smiles and says : "Well if it's you , I won't really doubt it ."

As they are standing in Space they hear an Extremely loud Roar filled with a depressingly High "Spiritual Energy" or so they thought ...

They both turn truly terrified as if they felt something that is , by all means , "Impossible to feel" , Something like a new emotion , An emotion that could be described as closer to despair than anything else .

The two Unknown Figures quickly jump back a whole lot ready to run at any moment , Observing the "energy" closely .

Despite both of them being two strong individuals , they were never ready to fight something that frightening .

In fact 3 Seconds after they started retreating , it was already too late .

The two Completely , thoroughly freezed , Unable to move a muscle after the Figure that was emitting that "Energy" passed right between them completely ignoring them .

They couldn't even look back , All they could do was stand in there and do nothing .

That was until the Figure stopped and started glaring at them with his Red Eyes .

That exact moment , The two Unknowns started hyperventilating .

As the two started losing their breaths slowly , Probably even getting a Thousand times weaker each passing Second , Through a simple Glare .

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