Chapter 62 : The Moon of Unlimited Darkness

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Shinji is angry after watching the 5Th Match and seeing Diaborius's Kill Mamalion .
A lot of Competitors exit the Tournament securing their lifes .
The tournament Manager and the Crowd are still in shock from what happened .
Meanwhile on the 8Th Universe's 111Th Galaxy .
Shirou appears to be worried from the 5Th Universe's encounter .
He Enters the 19Th Planet as he senses some tremendous Energy Signature .
Shirou sets foot on the planet .
Shirou (Thinking) : *That's an outrageous energy level !*
The Planet is shaking with a lot of negative Energy .
Shirou tries to go and approach the Energy Source .
Shirou passes through a lot of dead bodies as they are massacred abonrmally .
Kids , Men , Women , Animals , Every kind of Life in there is totally massacred .
Shirou seems to be calm from the outside however he's boiling with anger from inside as he swears to destroy the Monster who did this .
Shirou finally reaches the Energy Signature , To find a Very Long Purple Haired Woman boiling with Negative energy to the point it's hurting her .
Shirou : "So you're the one who did this ?"
??? : "Who are you ?"
The Energy Release dissapears as she appears to be naked with her hair covering her body .
Shirou : "You pervert , You shouldn't be walking around stark naked ! Anyways I'll kill you off for good , I won't forgive you for What you've done !"
??? : "Is it my fault that I'm so stunning and beautiful ? That all men want me ?"
The Unknown Woman takes a good look at Shirou and smiles .
??? : "Nishizumi , Huh ? I've hit the Jackpot !"
Shirou is surprised that she knows him .
The Woman Blasts on her Energy again higher than before as Shirou is terrified .
Shirou begins sweating and gets Scared from the Energy Amount .
Shirou (Breathing Heavily) (Thinking) : *Why am I even here ? What's this ... What's ... Why ? Why is her ... Spiritual Energy so tremendous ... That's way ... Way out of my league !!!*
Shirou falls to the ground as he's getting his spirit broken .
??? : "Oh ? How cute ... Are you kneeling for me ? Am I really this beautiful ... You really are such a noble man !"
Shirou is breathing heavily and sweating and can barely move .
??? : "But oh well ... To be honest , I thought you would do more than that ... You're really a disappointment ..."
Shirou barely gets back up .
??? : "Why are you up ? You should be kissing my feet you know ? Come on already Sh--iii--rouu !"
Shirou barely points his Rifle at the Unknown Woman .
The Unknown Woman blushes as her face gets more reddish
??? : "Kyaaaah !! Dear Shirou ... You really are an amazing Man ! Come On !! Shoot me with your Love Purple Beam !"
Shirou (Thinking) : *What's up with this Bitch ? And how does she know about my power ?*
Shirou shoots a Purple Enchanted Laser Beam at The Woman .
The Blast hits the Woman head on however she doesn't budge .
??? : "That was kinda lame ."
Shirou blasts another Purple Enchanted Laser Beam however she easily deflects it .
??? : "Well , You see ? I'm not kinda in the mood for any more shit chat anymore ... So it's your turn to get my Love till death , Honey , Shi--ro---u ."
The Unknown Woman is choking Shirou .
Shirou (Getting choked) (Thinking) : *When ... Did ... She ... That was so ... Fast ...*
Shirou is slowly fading away .
Shirou poures all his Energy to fire off a Purple Nuke Like Energy Laser Beam blasting the Planet to ashes and causing a massive Galaxy Explosion .
Shirou is freed from the Woman .
Shirou (Thinking) : *Thank God ... There was no living Mortals in that Galaxy as well ... So it's totally alright ...*
The Unknown Woman appears to be nearly alright with only some injuries .
Shirou : "What's your name ?"
??? (Slightly Angry) : "Oh dear Shirou ... You actually want to know my name now ??? I won't let you go that easy after Damaging my beautiful Body !"
Shirou : "I said ... WHAT'S YOUR NAME DAMMIT !"
??? Is shocked
??? : "Oh dear Shirou !!! How manly !!! You actually screamed at me ! My name is Fioampis Honey !"
Shirou (Thinking) : *Fioampis ? That's hard to remember ...*
Fioampis : "And I'm going to take you down dear ... After all you're one of the 10 ..."
Shirou is surprised .
Shirou : "So you're the same organisation or team as that Girl before ... Who are the 10 , And what's the story behind this all "
Fioampis : "As Much as I like you honey ... Sorry I can't tell you ... It's top s-e-c-r-e-t !"
Shirou : "Very well , Then I'll force you to ."
Shirou removes his Dark Blue Fur Jacket staying with his Black Shirt as he points his Rifle at Fioampis while Smiling .
Fioampis : "Oh you're truly handsome honey !"
Shirou : "I'll be serious once in a while !"
Shirou blasts A Big Rainbow Laser Beam embued with all kinds of strong materials .
Fioampis realizes that the Blast is dangerous as she Finally attacks and releases a Dark Purple Energy Shockwave .
The Beams clash .
Fioampis's beam advances slightly however Shirou goes all out beyond his limits to push and have his Beam win the clash , Hitting Fioampis head on .
Fioampis bleeds .
Fioampis : "What have you done to me , Shirou ? My beautiful Body is all messed up !"
Shirou : "If you wore an armor or something , You would of Probably avoided this .
Shirou points his Rifle at Fioampis again .
Fioampis : "Well then , I guess we will meet again , Shirou ..."
Fioampis tries to run away .
Shirou : "You won't run away ! This is our first and last meeting !"
Shirou blasts another Rainbow Laser Beam at The Running Fioampis that's unable to dodge the Beam .
Fioampis tries to Block with all her might .
The Beams disappears .
Shirou is left shocked as a Masked  Entity covered with a Black Cape appears to have Deflected the Beams rather easily .
The Unknown Masked Entity : "Let's go ..."
Fioampis : "Tchk ..."
Fioampis and the Unknown entity are engulfed in darkness as if they're about to teleport .
Shirou : "Hey wait !!! You're not getting Awa-"
Shirou Bleeds heavily .
Shirou (Bleeding) (Thinking) : *What ?? Did he just attack me ?? Too fast !!*
Fioampis : "Before leaving I'll show you something .
Fioampis moves her hair that's covering her Belly aside to show a Black Moon mark .
Shirou : "What's that ??"
The Unknown Entity : "Fioampis ... You shouldn't show the mark to anyone ... 'It' will get angry if it knows ..."
Fioampis : "That's only if you tell it ... If you keep quiet it'll be okay ..."
Fioampis and The Entity leave as Shirou is left with a lot of blood spilled .
Back in the 62Nd Universe .
Merus , Miryoku and Genki killed all the Monsters and are back to the Kid's House .
The Parents thank them a lot and are indebted to them .
Merus tries to ask for Intel at the same time but it appears that they know nothing .
Merus : "Alright take care , All of you ! We'll be leaving ..."
Merus and Miryoku are setting off .
The Kid : "Mister !!"
Genki turns around to the kid .
The Kid : "Take care Mister !"
Genki : "No worries ! After all I'm the Toughest !"
Genki , Merus and Miryoku leave the Planet and continue their search in the Universe .
The Kid : "How foolish ... They're looking for intels about us huh ?"
The Kid Dissolves as well as The Father and The Mother ."
The Father , Mother and Kid appears to be an act and the Three of them are different people ...
The Kid appears to be a Bald Tall Guy with a Black Armor and a Black Moon mark on his forehead .
The Mother appears to be a Short Girl with a Short Orange Hair wearing a Red Armor with A Black Moon Mark on her arm .
The Father appears to be a Moderate Height Guy with a Long Yellow Hair , Wearing a White Armor , With a Black Moon Mark on his Back .
The Guy That was acting as the kid : "We'll show them ! How terrifying we , The Moon Of Unlimited Darkness are !!"

                     Chapter 62 : End

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