9Th Chapter : Suchumus HighLands

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1 Day Later :

Yamato : Alright We are Finally here !

Shinji : The North's Village looks way better than East's One

Yamato : Glad To Hear that , But you won't be here for too much anyways because we are going to spend most of the training time in the mansion .

Shinji : Mansion ?

Yamato : Yeah my Mansion right there !

Shinji : Woah it's so Big !

The Mansion is a grand, opulent mansion with towering gray stone walls, nestled amidst sprawling grounds. Majestic entrance, intricate carvings, and wrought-iron gates. Inside, a breathtaking foyer with double staircase, crystal chandeliers, and marble floors. Lavish rooms like the library, ballroom, and dining hall exude elegance.

Yamato : We will be spending the next 4 Months in there .

Shinji : 4 Months ????

Yamato : Yeah 4 Months ! Is there a Problem ?

Shinji : Of Course there is ! That's too long .

Yamato : I don't know the LifeSpan of you People but looks like you can live way longer than 4 Months so what's the problem .

Shinji : I'm Not Talking about LifeSpans I mean I'll be really Bored there !

Yamato : You're The One Who Wanted to Train so quit Nagging and let's get to work !

Shinji : Damn It !

After arriving to the Mansion :

Yamato : So what's your Objective Exactly .

Shinji (Thinking) : It will be hard to train without telling him really about my powers ...

Yamato : ... Anyways , I can feel Extremely Huge Potential from you ...
Yamato : Let's start with a Strength test .

Shinji : ... Right .

Yamato : So Punch Me with All What You've got !

Shinji : Are You sure ???

Yamato : Absolutely .

Shinji : Really sure ? I mean you look so weak .

Yamato : Don't Judge me by Appearance , I may be weak but i can destroy you if I Wanted !

Shinji : I see .

*Shinji Punches Yamato Through the Mansion to the HighLands*

Shinji : ... , What The Heck ???

Shinji : Hey Old Man , Are you Alright ??

*Yamato Bleeds Heavily*

Yamato : ... , Damn It get me to A Hospital .

5 Hours Later :

Yamato : What the hell was that , You truly are a Monster , Is Your Whole Race like that ?

Shinji : Who Knows .

Shinji (Thinking) : This Old man is so weak or I Guess I really gotten way stronger , Either way Should I really be training in here , I mean I never saw an Instructor weaker than his student .

Yamato : Well You aced the Strength test , Now I'm trying a Durability test !
Shinji : Like what ?

*Yamato Gets to the Top of the Mansion With Shinji*

Yamato : Now you're gonna Jump .

Shinji : But that's like a 6 Kilometers Altitude !

Yamato : Well If you die I won't have to teach you And if you refuse I won't either so it's a win win !

Shinji : That's An idiotic Move , Well I won't die anyways so it's fine .

Yamato : And why are you so sure , You don't look scared at all either ...

Shinji : I don't know I have a Confidence Boost or something like that !

*Shinji Jumpes*

*Shinji Lands*

Yamato : No Way ...

Shinji : Looks like I lived .

Shinji (Thinking) : I thought I'll have to regenerate , Since I'll have Deadly Injuries but I have none , Did My Durability increase as well ?

Yamato : Marvelous , You're Marvelous .

Shinji : I can't believe it myself !

Yamato : Well then should we start with the training ?

Shinji : Yes Please !

                         Chapter 9 : End

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