8Th Chapter : The Man Who Doesn't Miss 2

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*Shirou Shoots A Bunch Of Bullets*

*Shinji Dodges*

*Shinji Dodges*

*Shinji Gets Hit Through the Heart , The Head And The Leg*

*Shinji Heals*

Shirou (Thinking) : Damn At this Rate I'm at a Disadvantage , He's Literally a Monster , If he keeps Healing , I need to temporarily Stun Him And get away with the Valuables since I'm Faster .

*Shirou Shoots A Bunch Of Accurate Bullets*

Shinji : Damn I Can't dodge a Single One , Well let's try it , I believe I'm Strong enough to .

*Shinji Deflects a lot of Bullets*

*Shinji gets shot through the Arm , Leg , Head And eye*

Shinji : That Hurts damn It !!

*Shinji Heals*

Shirou : If That's the case then !

Shirou : Emerald Bullet !

*Shinji gets Shot through the Heart , Shinji's Heart Explodes*

*Shinji Breathing Heavily*

Shinji : You wasted a Strong Attack Just to Do That , I'll Regenerate Fast enough ...

*Shinji Collapses*

Shirou : You Were getting Injured through the Heart , Head , Arm and the other Limbs but what if you completely Lost it , You will have a way tougher time to regenerate it , And if it's the heart you'll have at least more than a Minute to regenerate it .

*Shirou gets the Valuables*

Shirou : Alright now it's time to go to the Galactic Station .

*Shinji Gets Back Up*

Shirou : No way !

Shirou : Even Your Heart is Still not Regenerated completely , How Are you Up ?

Shinji : I .. Don't ... Know , Probably ... Sh..eer Det..ermina..tion

Shirou : If you Are this Injured you don't need to talk because I understood Nothing !

Shirou : Snipe , Laser Mode

*Shirou Shoots A Laser Beam through Shinji's Brain*

*Shinji Collapses*

Shirou : Alright then , Let's keep going

*Shirou leaves*

1 Hour Later :

*Shinji Wakes Up*

Shinji : Where Am I ?

??? : Oh We Found you near our Sector with some people ...

Shinji : Oh I see , Thanks For Saving Me ...

But what About the Others did you manage to save them ?

??? : Sadly Looks like you were the only one alive among them ... Even Tamago was dead ...

Shinji : I see

??? : Pardon me , Forgot to introduce myself , I'm Yamato , The North's Head !

Shinji : Oh So you are Yamato ??

Yamato stands at a mere 4 feet tall .
His appearance is that of an otherworldly being, with luminescent, pale blue skin , A Bald Head and ancient Leather clothes .

Yamato : Yes I Am . Looks like you are here to train ?

Shinji : Yes I was coming to train , Since they were delivering the Valuables ...

Shinji : Wait were the Valuables there ?

Yamato : Sadly Looks like they were stolen ...

Shinji : Damn it , I Failed !

Yamato : You fought Hard enough so it's alright ... , Once we get to the Village you will experience Hell , Training with me will be no easy thing ...

Shinji : I'm completely ready

Yamato : That's Good to Hear ...

Chapter 8 : End

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