chapter - 48

846 45 7

4 years later

These four years were magical, blessed and full of love for MewGulf, brightwin, zeesaint, taetee, boatmild and kids, they all are living blissfully married lives with their kids...

In these four years everyone's life has changed, they all are settled and get married where taetee adopts a baby girl, zeesaint adopted a boy and a girl, boatmild have a boy and for brightwin they are expecting their first baby soon win was pregnant and they are having a boy and mewgulf they are again expecting as gulf was 9 month pregnant now...

One day at the night gulf craving for the ice cream but mew was so tired and asked his kitten to sleep and he will give ice cream in the morning, next morning gulf was angry at his husband because he didn't give him ice cream to eat...

Gulf :- Mew Suppasit Alexander Kanawut Suppasit Natasha Kanawut Suppasit if you guys don't come down for breakfast i swear i will not let you eat anything for the whole day...

Win :- phi why are you shouting it's not good for you...

Gulf :- I'm just tired of my asshole husband and that little devil of mine never listens to me ufff...

Mild :- oye gulf doesn't say anything about p'mew he always takes care of you and always fulfills your demands...

Gulf :- wow now my bestie is on my husband's side great...

Saint :- phi stop overreacting na...

Gulf :- now I'm overreacting...

Tee :- ok baby boy that's it, first tell us what the problem is and why you are shouting at them...

Gulf :- phi last night I'm craving for ice cream with mango and soya sauce but that asshole husband didn't give me and when i came to get ice cream my little devil was eating my ice cream with that asshole bright...

Bright :- as if it's my mistake guppy, your puppies blackmailed me so i have to give them...

Win :- why are beans blackmailing you... 'raise his eyebrows'

Before bright could say anything alex came and told them why they were blackmailing their innocent uncle while everyone tried to control their laughter...

Alex :- becau unclo gib you geen apie an you wan red apie... (Because uncle gives you a green apple and you want a red apple) 'giving evil smile'

Natasha :- an unclo gie us cande to hid frm yu... (And uncle gave us candies to hid this from you) 'innocently'

Bright :- 'before win say anything bright immediately said' bunny i will sleep on the couch for one week and will not touch you and always listen to you... 'in one go'

Win starts cruising his husband while others laugh their lungs out and alex tasha goes to other kids, this is how their lives are going on so much laughter, teasing, caring and love...

On night MewGulf made love but their session was converted into cruising and screaming because gulf's labour pain started and be start crusing everyone especially mew, they immediately took the gulf to the hospital where kristsingto was ready with everything...

Inside the OT gulf was continually cursing mew while on the other hand mew was holding his kitten hand and let him say or do anything he wants to do...

Gulf :- aaaaaahhh you asshole Mew Suppasit don't you dare to touch me again...

Mew :- kitten what i have done why are you shouting at me baby... 'pouting'

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