Chapter 34-B:: I hate you

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Author's POV:

The whole night, you thought about everything you had heard. All that had happened in the past 1.5 months. You realized that maybe your uncle had something to do with this. Considering how he never once tried to save you or anything, it kind of made sense. Maybe there was something more to this.

You cried a lot. Every time you remembered the voices of your parents, it stung right in your heart. You felt so numb this morning. It was as if nothing was in your mind. You were blank. You had breakfast. They ordered breakfast from Tim Hortons and it was good. It reminded you of those breakfasts you had years ago in Canada, with your parents. 

"So.. how can I help?" You asked, chewing your doughnuts. Taehyung sipped his coffee before saying, "You just need to tell us if there is any secret corner of the house where he might've hidden the location of the gold mine. A very safe place." 
You dusted off the crumbs from your hands before sighing. You wondered if there could be any.

"Maybe... the kitchen cabinet? That's where dad always hid his secret bagels... mom never allowed him to eat those so he... always hid them there." You said. Jo chuckled and said, "Your father was sneaky... hehe."
"And my mom was murderous, thanks to that."
You said. He laughed out loud as you smiled. Taehyung's lips twitched but it didn't turn into a smile which sort of... disappointed you. You had no idea why but it did.

"Let's check the kitchen well, then," Jo spoke.
"The most obvious spots are usually the most hideous ones..." Taehyung said, not sure about Jo's statement. You both frowned and looked at him who was in deep thought.
"He must've hidden it somewhere no one will expect him to. Like... an easy spot. Or maybe somewhere people will think is easy to find because that's where they always slack off. So, we need to search everywhere thoroughly." 

You were impressed. The way he thought impressed you. You couldn't help but chuckle.
"You're like my dad. Smart." You said. He looked at you and you saw his eyes crinkle a little, his lips fighting a smile. It was as if what you said had made him feel good, better than anything else. That was the vibes you gave him.

But no, you didn't want to overthink this. You shrugged off any thoughts and looked away.

The sudden flashback of last night came to your mind and you felt goosebumps on your entire body. Gulping, you said, "Then... another secret space would be dad's study. Nobody ever goes there as he always studied or did his office work there." 
"Alright. Kitchen and study first. We'll let the men search in other areas." You nodded, fiddling with the locket on your neck.
"Oh, that locket is cute." Jo commented as you said, "Oh... I... my dad gifted this to me when I was 5. I like this a lot... but I left it in Canada." You said, sighing. He smiled and said, "It's pretty."
"It suits you,"
Taehyung spoke. You looked at him, a feeling of warmth spreading across you once again.

You nodded and looked away, gulping. 
He looked at the locket and looked away. 

The heart-shaped locket suited you. You were sure by now. For some reason, him saying that made you feel better. You didn't know why, it just did. 

—Time skip 

"I searched everywhere. I couldn't find anything. Only found a few pieces of paper..." 
"This is the data of his resignation from his work."
Taehyung sighed. You stared at these papers quietly, looking down.
"We'll find it eventually, we have to," Taehyung spoke. You looked at Jo holding the metal detector and said, "You can search for it in every room." 
"Alright. Let's go!"
Jo said as he went upstairs with the metal detector. 

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