Lisa looks very frightened and is trying to look around for some familiar landmark or person. Derek is holding her hand.

Derek: What? It's ok. Just think. Where is she? Which way did she go? It's ok. Take your time. Take all the time you need, you're doing great. What is it? (Lisa spots a red cross sign and walks toward it)

Derek: Good. (They stop on the dock. Lisa stares out into the water.)

Derek: Ok, use your words. Where exactly is Meredith? (She points into the water and Derek looks terrified)


Lisa is standing on the dock staring into the water when a coast guard officer walks up

Coast Guard: Hey kid! Kid! You ok? You need to come with me. Kid?

He picks Lisa up and starts to carry her away. As he is walking he hears coughing and then Derek walks onto the dock with a very blue, slightly lifeless Meredith in his arms.


Derek is in the ambulance performing CPR on Meredith

Derek: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Paramedic: ETA's five minutes.

Derek: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Derek continues CPR with no response from Meredith)


Back on the scene Lisa squirms in the coast guards arms, to the point where he has to set her down. As soon as she is on her feet she runs back to the dock, the coastguard and a officer chasing her.

Coastguard: come on kid, lets find your parents.

She shakes her head no and points back into the water.

Coastguard: She was already pulled out and being transported to the hospital. You did good kid.

She shakes her head no, and points again.

Lisa quietly says: Two...

Coastguard: can you say that louder hun.

Lisa: Two

The coastguard looks over the edge and sees a jacket on the surface of the water, one different form the patient on the dock earlier.

Coastguard yells: I need search and rescue over here immediately...

Coastguard yells: I need search and rescue over here immediately

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The ambulance with Derek and Meredith arrive and Bailey is in the ambulance bay to get it

Bailey: What do we got?

Paramedic: Jane Doe, hypothermic, drowning.

Derek: She's not Jane Doe, it's Meredith Grey. It's Meredith.

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