Captain Marvel 15-02

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John Stewart chugs down his fifth cup of Expresso.

Just his luck. After a month battling the Sinestro Corps, it's straight to the Watch Tower for his turn at monitor duty.

He's just so exhausted. Barely keeping his eyes open to watch the screens for four hours straight.

Polished off three large packs of snacks already to keep himself from dying of boredom.

"Captain Marvel 15-02" announces the tinny voice of the zeta tube.


Hippity hoppity boing boing boing.

He knows Captain Marvel is sunny and bubbly but he can't remember the big man ever being bouncy?

Oh well.

Eyes still glued to the screen he feels a paw on his shoulder.

Wait a minute. Paw?

"My turn," comes a cheery, sing song voice.

Huh? Bleary eyed John turns.

A little pink rabbit in a Captain Marvel costume beams brightly at him. A flying pink bunny actually, as the little critter's feet hover above the ground.

Blinking once. Blinking twice. John looks again.
Still a little pink bunny.

"Captain Marvel?"


"Why are you," he looks the bunny up and down, "like that?"

"What do you mean?" Squeaked the bunny. "I've always been like that." The bunny looked puzzled.

Then a bigger grin spread across its face. "You're exhausted. You better go home and sleep."

John looked at the bunny. Looked at his empty cup. He had to be hallucinating.

He pinched the bridge of his nose.

Maybe lack of sleep?

Or something he was exposed to on the way back?

Probably the former.

Groggily, the green lantern stumbled into the zeta tube and headed home.


Wally's hungry. As usual.
A visit to the mess hall would fix that.

Captain Marvel is on chef duty today, which means, pizzas, chips, sausages, burgers, roasts, chicken and tasty junk food.

He could live with that.
Licking his lips, he grabbed a plate and headed to the table to load up.

Carrot soup.
Meatless burgers with carrot patties
Grilled carrots on skewers
Roast carrots
Carrots masquerading as sausages
Carrot juice

Wally lost his appetite. A first for the speedster.

He walked towards the chef's hat behind the counter

Wait, why is Cap squatting behind the counter? At seven feet he towers over everything.

"Captain Marvel?"

"Yes?" Squeaked the reply.

Squeaked? Did Captain's crazy villians force helium down his throat?
Then again, Cap is invulnerable. Right?

"Are you okay Cap?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Squeaked the chef.

"Why's everything carrot?"

"Why not?" Replied the chef as he hopped out from behind the counter.

Standing facing Wally with his arms crossed over his chest was a floppy eared pink bunny dressed in Captain Marvel's costume. Rabbit sized of course.

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