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"To tell or not to tell? That is the question," pondered Joey, a little brown mouse wearing a tiny headset, perched on Billy's shoulder.

"Tell her! How else can he ask her to be his mate?" insisted Sophia, a tiny white mouse with a matching headset, balancing on Billy's other shoulder.

"He's a runt by human standards. Maybe wait until he grows a bit more?
Human girls seem to prefer boys that are bigger than themselves," Joey scratched his nose.

"I'm not a runt," protested Billy.

"If she is so shallow, she doesn't deserve Billy. He may be tiny for a human but he has a big heart," Sophia cut him off.

"Well, if Cap's shoulder were a luxury cruise line, Billy's would be a single seater canoe," grumbled Joey. "He's tiny."

"You don't have enough space because you've gotten too fat. Get on the exercise wheel more and you won't keep falling off," Sophia shrugged.

"Then again, he is really small for his age." She relented.

"Hey, I'm right here," Billy pouted.

"I still say he should wait. Maybe if he eats more, he'd grow bigger?" Joey continued.

"He eats like a pig. Maybe he's not eating the right food. He needs more chocolate and peanut butter to grow," Sophia continued..

"I'm sorry I asked," mumbled Billy burying his face in his hands as his squeaky buddies continued talking over his head.

Beep beep.

Billy fished out his mobile phone, Justice League communicator and JSA communicator from his pockets.

"It's the JSA. There's a situation in Washington," Billy's cheeks flushed. Stargirl would be there.

"Go," said the mice in unison as they hopped off his shoulders.


Washington was a battlefield. The JSA was overwhelmed.

Instinctively, Captain Marvel's eyes fell on Stargirl. She was blasting a glob-like creature with her cosmic rod, completely distracted when a black hole appeared directly beneath her.

"Stars!" Captain Marvel dived in after her.

They landed on a thick growth of soft grass in the middle of a field. Something was wrong. Captain Marvel felt his power vanish suddenly when a bolt of lightning struck him, changing him back to Billy.

Not now.. Not here.

Nothing happened. Billy was cut off completely from his power.

Stargirl gaped at him.

Smiling sheepishly, he wished the ground would swallow him up.

"Shazam!" He tried again.

"Captain Marvel?  You're a kid like me?" Stargirl grinned. Her laughing eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she offered her hand to help him up.

"Erm yes," his face burned with embarrassment.

Standing up with her help, Billy was relieved that they were about the same height. He'd finally caught up with her.

Bouncing around on pogo sticks was worth every single bruise and bump.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Billy," he replied, trying to hide the redness on his face.

"I'm Courtney," she beamed as she shook his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

The Secret Life of Billy Captain Marvel BatsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang