Clark & Lois

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"What's bothering you, Smallville?" Lois waved her hand between her husband Clark and his computer screen.

"Hmmm?" Clark snapped out of his stupor. "Missing persons case." He mumbled.

"Who?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"Barry. He's probably kidnapped," Clark pursed his lips.

"How do you kidnap a Speedster?" Lois was befuddled. No one could catch Barry. Flash had outrun Superman every single time they raced.

"You know the contingency plans Bats kept to take down every Justice Leaguer with powers?" Clark searched Lois' eyes.

"What about them?" She grimaced, hating the thought that Clark's trusted team mate and good friend had prepared ways to take down and potentially even kill each and every hero in their team.

"Someone stole them and is apparently using them to abduct Justice Leaguers," shrugged Clark.

"Kryptonite. Red solar energy. Magic. They could use those to kill you," Lois' eyes widened.

"Probably. But that is if each of us goes solo. We're watching one another's backs and checking in regularly on J'onzz's mind link," Clark assured her.

"So you'll all know if one of you goes down? Is that enough?"

"We've activated our buddy system. I'm paired with Captain Marvel," he added.
"That's another heartbeat I listen to now, to make sure he's ok." He grinned knowing how much Billy hates being "baby sitted".

"He's okay with that?" Lois' eyes twinkled with amusement.

"He hates it. But given the current situation, he has no choice." Clark chortled.

"So how would he know if something happens to you?" She asked.

"I'll call for help through the mind link or the Justice League communicator," he tapped the tiny device nestled in his ear.

"When do you ever call for help?" Lois snorted.

Clark frowned. "I just realised the mind link is down. Maybe something happened to J'onn."

"Or maybe he's taking a nap," Lois grinned.

"I can't hear Billy's heartbeat anymore. There was no thunder from his location, so he didn't change to Cap. He couldn't have flown off earth on his own accord," Clark pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Can you see him with your super vision?"

Clark stared into the distance scanning for the boy.
"No. He could be behind lead lined walls." He pushed his glasses back up.

"I tried contacting him through the League communicator but no response." Worry lined his face.

"If you are going to look for him, let me know your whereabouts too, just in case I need to rescue both of you," she patted his cheek.

"Of course." He bent over and gave her a long parting kiss.


Superman landed near the ruins of a condemned building in Central City.

This used to be the home of homeless folks.

This was also where Billy was, the last time he checked on the boy. The young reporter was talking to survivors here.

Scanning the area with his x-ray vision he found no trace of the boy, so he checked for 'blind spots'.

A fancy skyscraper less than a mile away caught his attention. He could not see through most its walls or ceiling. A large part of that building was lined with lead.

There was the reception area at the main entrance. Reporter Clark Kent would be less conspicuous than the Man of Steel.

In a nearby alley, Superman changed clothes at invisible speed.

Mild mannered reporter, Clark Kent of the Daily Planet emerged.

It was a relatively new building by a new player in Central City.

Mon Gull Tower. The headquarters of the newly formed Mon Gull Conglomerate. It had a statue of a seagull at the pinnacle of the building.

"I'm Clark Kent from the Daily Planet. I've come to do an article on your company's climate change initiatives," Clark explained to the receptionist.

"Please take a seat while I call Corporate Communications," replied the gum chewing receptionist.

Sitting in the luxurious lounge, Clark scanned the building with his x-ray vision.

What he could see looked perfectly normal.

Meeting rooms. Offices. Men and women in smart business suits in business meetings, crunching numbers or going about the daily operations like any typical business operation.

Five minutes later, a smartly dressed young lady with her hair in a tight bun opened the lead-lined door on a lead-lined wall.

Nausea overtook Clark the moment she entered the room. His limbs were like jelly.

"Mr Kent, how may I help you?" She beamed at him and offered her hand.

He could barely stand up. The pain was excruciating.


The large glowing green stones in her earrings and necklace. That giant glowing green rock set in her ring.

She took his hand and shook it.
"Or may I call you... Superman?"

He keeled over as darkness overcame him.

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