First Blood

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Courtney's sides burned. The creature's claws were like blades as they pierced into her flesh, lifting her off the ground.


Lightning struck Billy, changing him into Captain Marvel.

Ignoring the pain, she jabbed her elbow into the creature's soft underbelly. It released its grip as she gave it a good hard kick.

Without her cosmic rod, she couldn't fly. Her drop through the clouds decelerated as powerful arms caught her, gently slowing her fall.

Brilliant blue eyes filled with tenderness gazed deeply into hers. Billy's eyes on The Captain's face.

"Court." His voice came out as a choked whisper.

Leaning into his heavily muscled chest, she breathed,"I'm ok. Thanks."
She forced back the pain and tried to smile

Swarms of parademons poured out through a black hole above the clouds, until the sky as far as they could see was filled with these monsters.

Weaving through the parademons, protectively carrying her bridal style, Captain Marvel made his way towards the main building.

"What are you doing? You've got to stop them."

"Not in your condition," came his gentle reply.

"It's just a scratch! Put me down and go get them!" She patted his ridiculously muscled chest to get her point across.

Reluctantly, Marvel landed. Very carefully, he laid her down on the grass.

A red blur swirled around the parademons driving them back into the hole they came from.
That's her Billy in there at work. Her heart overflowed with pride in her sweetheart.

In barely a second, the sky was clear with the exception of Captain Marvel hovering in front of the black hole.

His eyes blazed with stormy fury. Lightning danced on his balled fists as he faced the would be invaders.

The black hole blinked out of existence, and with it, the immediate invasion threat.

"Court!" The Captain landed by her side. Flash was already with her, staunching the blood flowing from her sides.

"I'm fine," she breathed.

Cap's face looked blurry. Darkness ate in from the sides of her vision until everything went black.


"Billy," mumbled the Courtney as she tossed feverishly in her sleep.

"Shhh... Court, I'm here," Billy tenderly stroked her burning cheek.

His eyes watered. "I should protected her. Could have, should have, prevented this." The sight of tubes and wires hooking her up to the medical equipment pained him.

You did what you had to, son." Alan squeezed his shoulder. "You stopped that invasion."

"She's tough. She'll pull through," added Jay.

Billy dabbed Courtney's face with a damp towel, "she's still feverish. Hasn't woken up since..."

The door opened. Dr Mid-Nite walked in, followed by Mister Terrific. "It's the poison in her veins. It's of an unearthly origin."

"Apokolips," muttered Billy. "Scott and Barda may have the antidote."

The boy activated his League communicator. "Scott, I really need your help." Billy explained the situation to his Justice League team mate.

Minutes later, a boom tube opened in Brownstone.

Mister Miracle, Big Barda and Superman stepped out of it.

"I happened to be with Scott and want to help in any way I can," said the Man of Steel.

Mr Miracle examined Courtney.

His eyes met Billy's. "The good news is, there is an antidote."

"The bad news?" Asked Terrific.

"It is only found in the fire pits of Apokolips. She has to take it within forty-eight hours of exposure to the poison or she will die," Mr Miracle's expression was grim.

Four hours had already passed. The clock was ticking.

"Suit up Bill," said Superman. "We'll get it to her in time. She'll make it," his warm smile comforted Billy.

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