Superman Meets Captain Marvel

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"Let's crack this together." Captain Marvel's earnest blue eyes pierced through him. Does he have x-ray vision too? Superman wondered.

"Ok. I've been tracking underground labs in Metropolis that are experimenting on human subjects. I know Lex Luthor is involved but I can't prove it," Superman shared.

"I was tracking missing kids in Fawcett and found them there," Captain Marvel pointed at the building.

"We'll get them out now," Superman lifted off, but Captain Marvel caught his leg with one hand and pulled him down.

Superman was stunned. He didn't think anyone was strong enough to do that.

"Not yet. I have evidence to shut down this center but they'll just start another. I know how to get what we need to shut this entire operation down for good," Marvel clapped his hand on Superman's shoulder.

"How?" Superman quirked an eyebrow.

"By blending in with the kidnapped children."
Captain Marvel took a few steps back.

Lightning struck the Captain.

When the smoke faded, that scrawny, tiny boy that dropped out of the vent stood in his place, grinning from ear to ear.

"No.." Superman blinked.

Then he smiled,"great illusion."

He waved his hand over the boy's head where the Captain's head should be but found only air.

Lowering his arm, his hand covered the little boy's head.

The child cleared his throat and glared up at him with big blue dewy eyes, arms crossed.

"I'm Billy Batson. As I was saying," the deep baritone of the Captain was replaced by the much higher, cuter voice of a little boy.

Superman picked up the boy and held him at eye level for a closer look. The boy had the same brilliant blue eyes,curly black hair and dimples as Captain Marvel.

"Will you stop that?" Snapped the adorable boy.

"You were saying?" Superman cooed.

"Tie me up and put me with the kidnapped children. They'll take me with them and I can get the evidence we need," said the boy, waving his mobile from Whiz network.

Still holding the tiny little boy at eye level, Superman's mouth gaped open. This child can't possibly be the World's Mightiest Mortal. He has to be seven years old at most.

"Do you mind? Put me down." The boy squirmed.

"Sorry," Superman shook off his stupor and gently placed the child on the ground.

"Ok. Tie me up now," said the tiny boy.

"No. That's too dangerous," Superman replied.

The little boy frowned. "You can disguise yourself as a guard and follow me. I saw a guard your size in there," he said sagely.

"No." Superman could not bring himself to put a child in danger. "You're only seven. You should be safe. Protected."

"I'm ten!" His face red with annoyance, Billy folded his arms and glared up at the Man of Steel.

"Okay, ten then. But no way you're going back in there, son," Superman bent over to look Billy in the eye.

"You can't stop me," Billy pouted walking towards the building.

"Oh no you don't, son." Superman scooped the boy up in his arms.

"Let go, I'm warning you," Billy's eyes blazed with lightning.

"I'm bringing you home. Where are your parents?" Superman ignored the child's squirming.

"Shazam!" Yelled the tiny little boy.

Lightning zapped him from the clear blue sky, electrocuting Superman as well.

His entire body was wracked with pain as he lay on the ground.

Towering over him, Captain Marvel bent over and gave him a big shit-eating grin." That was my mildest lightning strike."

Groaning Superman gaped up at the huge man, "but you are a kid."

Hands on hips, the powerfully built Captain smirked. "Do I look like a kid to you now?"

Superman's head felt like it was splitting. "Who are you? How old are you?"

"I'm Captain Marvel. I've been around for three months," he held up three fingers. "That makes me.... three months old," he looked at Superman with Billy's puppy eyes.

"Look. We have work to do. Lives are at stake," the Captain's face turned grim.


"Here's the kid," a big guard carried a scrawny little boy into the room with the rest of the captured children.

Clark, disguised  with a fake red beard and a mop of red hair tied Billy up and put him with the other prisoners.

Ok. Now all Billy had to do was to wait and watch. He had Whiz bugs hidden under his clothes to record everything from this point on.

Clark stood with a machine gun on his shoulder, at ease, a few feet in front of him.

"Chad, Lady M wants to see you, a bald guy poked his head into the room and addressed Clark.

After Clark left, a tall man in a lab coat walked in.

"Gag them. Mr Luthor finds children's screams annoying,” he pointed at the kids.

Billy's heart skipped a beat. If he can't speak, he won't be able to transform.

If he transforms now, he'd blow his cover when they're so close.

Sighing, he slumped in his corner as a goon tied the gag around his mouth.

A lady in a lab coat ran her fingers over a console.

A blinding flash of light later Billy found himself in a large room with countless cylinders hooked up to a massive machine.

Some of the cylinders were occupied by kids his age.


Clark found his way to a heavy oak door with a golden plate embossed with the name "Lady M".

"Come in, lover boy," cooed a strong female voice.

Clark's hair bristled.

The room was grand. Wall to wall red carpet. Heavy oakwood furniture. Plush recliners. Floor to ceiling window showcasing a beautiful garden.

A crinkled old hag with a wiry frame stalked up to him. Her eyes scrutinized his frame.

In a swift motion, she yanked off his fake beard.
"You're not Chad."

The Secret Life of Billy Captain Marvel BatsonWhere stories live. Discover now