The World's Best Detective

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"Lois sure is having fun practicing her Klurkor moves on those mobsters." Clark gazed at the beautiful blue planet as he reached for the last cookie, and grabbed empty air.

From the corner of his eye, he watched the cookie walk away.

Behind the cookie was a tiny brown mouse wearing tiny flat headphones.


"Oh, hi Superman," the tiny critter grinned, proudly showing off his front teeth

"You can talk?" Clark was confounded.

"I always could talk. You humans are just too stupid to understand," the mouse tossed his head indignantly with a huff.

"Are those headphones?"

"Oh these universal translators? Cap made them for me. Cool huh?" Joey turned his head to give Clark a better look at them.

"Where's Sylvia?"

"Rallying her troops. Tending to her royal duties," Joey replied. His tiny shoulders sagged. "You know she's royalty?"

"She is?" Clark's eyebrow quirked up.

"Buckingham Palace, queen's private quarters," he sighed. "Me? I'm just a simple farm mouse from a Kansas barn."

"I'm a farm boy from Kansas too," Clark replied. "Lois is a big city reporter, daughter of a General. I never thought I'd stand a chance," Clark's lips quirked up in a wistful smile. "Yet she's there, waiting for me."

"But you are Superman. I'm just an ordinary mouse," sighed Joey.

"And you are The World's Greatest Detective. You're better even than Batman."
He lowered his voice to a conspiring whisper. "But don't tell him I told you so."

Joey tilted his head up to look earnestly at Clark. "Really?"

"Yes," Clark ruffled his fur.
"You like Sophia, don't you?"

"Yes," sighed Joey. "She doesn't know. She must never know."

"Why not?"

"Cos she won't want to have anything to do with me anymore," the tiny critter wailed.

"That's what I thought about Lois. But I was wrong," Clark beamed.


They were running out of time. From her sources, the machines were about to take control of the JSA to overthrow human governments all over the world.


"Team Brie mission report," Sylvia requested.

A large black mouse clicked its heels as it stepped in front of a troop of a thousand mice. "Device planted in Cadmus. Five casualties in recovery."

"Team Cheddar mission report," Sylvia walked down the line.

A large grey mouse clicked its heels in front of another thousand mice.
"Device planted in Amanda Waller's office. Twenty casualties, three deaths." Its face was grim.

Sylvia sagged. She wiped a tear from her eye. "These heroes will be honoured. Their families will be taken care of."

"Team Havarti mission report," Sylvia turned to the third troop.

A large white mouse stepped forward. "Star Labs device planted. Ready for activation. No casualties."

"None?" Sylvia smiled.

"The lab was empty. Humans left the place in a mess."

"Not good," Sylvia frowned.  Using her comms, "Joey, Star Labs was abandoned. Sir Sunny will send you the details. Please advise."

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