Mouse vs Men

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"What's this?" Hal fingered a hand sewn odd shaped piece of fabric in the lab.

"Marvel's been working on these," Barry picked up a matching piece.

"I didn't know Big Red could sew," frowned the pilot as he scrutinized the item and slipped it over his hand.
"Hello Barry," he said in a squeaky voice, waving it like a hand puppet.

Barry slipped the other fabric thingy over his hand. "Hey Dude," he replied in a gravelly voice waving his hand puppet.

Marvel's pet mouse scampered into the room. Was its name Sylvia? Hal couldn't quite remember.

"SQUEAK!" Marvel's pet mouse stopped at their feet and glared at them.

Barry's puppet came to life and lifted him off the ground, leaving him hovering  helplessly in mid air.

SQUEAK!" It said again.

To Hal's horror, he felt the puppet on his hand jerk up heaving his entire body up.

The puppet did an about turn and flipped his ass against the ceiling.

He'd left his ring in his jacket and his jacket in his room, so now, he was at the puppet's mercy.

"Eek eek squeak," sang the mouse.

The puppets flew around in circles with the men attached to them at dizzying speeds.

"Squeaak chrp eek," she went as the puppets slammed the men against each other.

The little critter seemed to have the time of her life as she continued her song.


"Clark, how are you feeling?" Earnest blue eyes gazed at him with concern. His baby brother had come to visit him in the medical bay.

"Much better," grinned Clark as he ruffled Billy's hair.

"I brought you some tea and pastries," beamed the boy.

The yummy fragrance made his mouth water.

"I've got good news and bad news for you," said Billy as he handed a steaming hot cup of tea to Clark. "Which do you want to hear first?"

Clark eyed the boy suspiciously. His angelic little bro could be quite a Gremlin at times.

"What?" Pouted Billy. "Don't trust your baby bro?"

"Let's start with the bad news," said Clark as he raised his cup to his lips.

"Batman, Oracle and Mr Terrific are still unable to find the source of the puppeteer's signals or who the culprit is so we still can't go back to Earth," little Billy snuggled up on Clark's lap.

"And the good news?" Clark wrapped his arms around his baby bro.

Tilting his head up to look his big bro in the eye.

"Vent crawling gets info you can't find otherwise. If my plan works, we should be home free pretty soon." The child gave Clark a big shit-eating grin.

"Billy, you haven't been back on earth vent crawling, have you?" Clark ran his hands through his hair, flustered.

"If Captain Marvel falls under the puppeteer's control again, there's no stopping him. There's no kryptonite or any weakness that can be used against him.

"Oh, chill, Clark," Billy's brilliant blue eyes twinkled. "There's you. I mean, what are brothers for, right?" He nudged his big brother.

"If that happens, speed blitz punch me with everything you've got to make sure you knock me out, then fly out of Earth's atmosphere at light speed," grinned itty bitty little Billy.

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