Blimey! It's Clois!

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"Clark just called. He wants us to join him and Lois for lunch." Billy towelled his messy black curls as he walked towards Courtney.

He had on his faded blue jeans and white tank top that showed off lean muscled arms - the fruit of Wildcat's intensive training and Jay's protein heavy square meals.

Courtney's heart beat a little faster as he stepped into her room.

"Bring your costume, belt and rod," he added thoughtfully. "He'll explain once we're there."

Leaning forward, their lips met for a few delicious seconds.

Reluctantly he let go of her, pulled on a red sweater, his brilliant eyes never leaving her baby blues.
"Gotta patrol Fawcett. See you there," he beamed, dimples punctuating his grin.


344 Clinton Street, smack in the middle of Metropolis. Superman flew through the window after his morning patrol, greeted by smoke and shower from the automatic sprinklers.

"Smallville, where are your oven gloves? The chicken is burning!"

"I'll handle that," Clark grabbed the flaming pan out of the oven with his bare hands and blew out the fire.

"Where's your ladder?" Lois rummaged through the cupboard for something she could climb to reach the sprinklers.

Clark floated to the ceiling and switched off the sprinklers, "there."

"Don't you have oven gloves or a ladder?" Lois glared up at him, looking like a drowned kitten.

"Don't need them," shrugged the equally drenched Clark.

The doorbell rang.


Courtney was nervous. It's the second time she's meeting Superman in person and she's going to have lunch with him, the beacon of hope, the most respected superhero in the world.

What's even more intimidating was that  the world renowned female reporter, Lois Lane, would be joining them.

"Relax Court," Billy gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "We're just having lunch with my god brother and his fiancee," he assured her as he rang the doorbell.

The door flew open.

"Holy Moley," gasped Billy.

A pair of drenched cats in human form faced them, grinning from ear to ear to hide their embarrassment. The apartment was flooded and filled with smoke.

"Sorry about the mess. Let's eat out," Clark smiled apologetically.


"What happened in there?" Billy blurted out as he poured gravy on his roast beef.

"Clark cooks breakfast for me every morning, so I thought I'd return the favour," Lois fiddled with the fish on her plate.

"Leave the cooking to me. Ma taught me her failsafe recipes," Clark gently tweaked Lois' nose as the pair made eyes at each other.

Billy and Courtney glanced at each other, barely holding in their laughter.

"So," Billy composed himself. "What's up?"

"You know the fiasco at the Watchtower?" Clark lowered his voice.

"Yeah. The entire Bat clan got kicked out of the league. The League split up as a result," Billy stabbed the innocent chicken on his plate vehemently.

"Not quite. After you left, some of us got back together. All this was orchestrated by Darkseid," Clark looked both teens in the eye.

"We're putting together a team to look into this. We want Marvel and Stargirl on this," he smiled warmly at Courtney.

"Lois has been investigating this from a separate angle. I programmed the zeta beams to accept Lois and Courtney into the Watchtower while keeping the Bats out."

"Batman's the League's detective. Oracle provides our Intel. With them gone..." Billy trailed off.

"Barry's a forensic scientist. Hal's a space cop. Their skills will certainly help the investigations," Superman assured Billy.

"Their detective skills are so brilliant, they deduced that I'm an albino flying lion," Billy rolled his eyes.

"An ancient albino flying lion. After talking to Diana, they concluded that you are seven thousand years old," chuckled Clark.

Courtney choked on her lemonade.

"We're reduced to these two clowns as our detectives now? Somebody shoot me," groaned Billy.

"Calm down Bill. Cap's wisdom of Solomon gives him the keenest mind in the universe," Superman stated.

"And?" Billy frowned.

Clark gently rested his hand on Billy's shoulder.

"Cap takes on Batman's role and leads Lois, Mister Miracle,  Hal and Barry in the investigations.  Stars keeps the chaos contained."

"We're all meeting in the Watchtower in an hour. There's time for dessert," beamed Clark as he waved at the waiter.

The Secret Life of Billy Captain Marvel BatsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang