War World

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A blinding second ago, Captain Marvel caught Wonder Woman's bracelets from Courtney in Mon Gull Tower.

Now he stood in an arena facing Mongul, Lord and Master of Warworld. On the giant's face was a manic grin.

Around the arena was a moat teeming with alien sea life. Aquaman was in that moat.

"Kill. Kill. Kill." Chanted the bloodlusted spectators.

Bloodlusted Wonder Woman driven insane by her untempered power charged at Marvel. He was ready this time.

Utilizing his speed, everything froze.
He snapped her bracelets on her wrists.

Her madness would vanish as her power is suppressed to levels she can handle.

As expected, the red fury in her eyes subsided but they glazed over.

Right, the mind altering poison.

She swung her fist at his face.

He caught it easily. "Diana, I am not your enemy."

A dart hit her neck. Her eyes cleared.

The antidote.

In the shadows stood the Dark Knight, his lips curled slightly in a hint of a smile as he caught the Captain's eye.

A fist smashed into Marvel's face with tremendous force. Flash's infinite mass punch stung as it sent him flying across the arena.

Caught off guard, he careened out of control and into the waiting mouth of a alien sea monster.

"Holy Moley!"

The monster's jaws snapped shut.


Batman scanned the arena.


According to the plan, the mind altering poison would cause her to attack Captain Marvel.

From the looks of it, that poison was used liberally on all the Leaguers except The Captain.

The fight was too fast for the normal human eye to follow.

Then Cap caught Diana's fist and seemed to be trying to talk her out of fighting.

Batman shot the antidote dart at Diana. It took effect swiftly.

As he walked up to them, a red blur hit Captain Marvel, then a large blur of red flew into a sea monster's mouth.

Standing on the creature was Aquaman.

Batman shot the antidote at Aquaman. Then he bent over to help Diana up.

Captain Marvel can take care of himself.

"Bruce. You have the gall!" Diana sputtered furiously.

"I did what had to be done. Look. This wasn't supposed to happen," Batman snapped in his own defence. "I'm here to fix this."

"Fix this? You did this to your friends.  We trusted you," Diana retorted.

"Did you? Really?"

A piercing scream caused their ears to bleed.


Batman slipped on his earplugs as Black Canary charged at him with a flying kick to his face.

He dodged, and caught her leg.

Backflipping, she threw him over with a snarl. Her eyes were clouded.

Dart in one hand,  he feigned a punch with the other.

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