Into the Future...

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Hiyaaaa babes! I want to say biiigg thank you to all of ya! I had this idea to give you a peek into the future of our beloved characters. Since the end, y'all have a lot of questions and I wanted to give y'all some answers! So sit back and enjoy this bonus chapter. It is a bit long!


Five Years Later...

Above the glacial and remorseless mountains blooms the new sun. The fresh smell of the green land rising from the dew. The flowers proposing their petals to the bleak golden summer sky. I stab the piece of watermelon with my fork and bring it to my mouth. The sweetened fruit instantly melts on my tongue, refreshing my throat after I swallow it. A light smile draws on my face.

His arm circles around my waist, pulling me close to his hard chest. "Good morning, beautiful." He takes my fork out of my hand and serve himself a piece of my watermelon.

"Hey! That's my shit." I protest.

"Isn't that sweet? Xemina, eating fruit at seven in the morning while watching the horizon." He mocked me.

"Well... It's healthy to eat fruits." I mumble and blush. Honestly, watermelon is the only thing my stomach can tolerate right now.

"Hmm." He coupes my face and seals our lips. I bunch his hair, vigorously kissing him back. The minty taste of his tongue is strapping on mine. A feeling I will never get enough of. All these years, and I am still not over for him. This man I am proud to call my husband.

Yep, bitches. That's right. I married Julian. Three years into our relationship, he proposed to me in Sweden under the Aurora Borealis. Pink, green, and purple streaks dance high in the sky, bringing the scene to life. I cried like a baby. Although my parents weren't the best example for me, there was nothing evil about love. It was pure and genuine. Leonel and Maria were the proof of that. Either way, married or not, we are met to be together forever.

I wanted our wedding to be private with families and dreamy. We received our blessing in Capilla del Rosario, Templo de Santo Domingo, a chapel in Puebla, Mexico. However, we said yes to each other in Portugal, inside the Bengali Sea Cave. I will forever remember my dark gown blowing by the salty wind under the rosy sunset as I look at the man I fell in love with and say yes. It was a moment I will forever cherish until I die.

After we flew back to the US, I received the Elveros necklace from Julian's mother, which itself was a separate rite. At that point, the media had already caught up to us. Eventually, our honeymoon was three months long, just fucking on every beach tropical in the Caribbean.

So much has happened in the past five years, it is unbelievable how fast time flew. It has been so eventful. So many memories and achievements. Not one moment wasted.

After we graduated from Trinity, everyone took their path. Agea went to Paris with Juan for Fashion School, Max left for University, Xavier... I have no idea where he went. Julian and I bought a penthouse in New York. We went on vacation to more than thirteen countries. I launched my lingerie line with SavageXFenty. My collaboration with Fashion Nova also came out. I gained a contract with Adidas and finished my Sahiti courses. Now, I had my own Clothing brand, Xoyale. Julian became the highest-paid male model. He was the owner of two new gyms/bars in Toronto.

We were exceeding at a rapid rate, so much that it scares me. Since Henry became the CEO, Royale Inc. has healed. Elvero Corp and Royale Inc. have been working together. It saved the company from the verge of destruction. Henry is a great guy. He is intelligent and enthusiastic. Unlike Mark, he includes me in projects that benefit my knowledge and make me more confident about my skills for the future.

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